Targeting farmers and planning famines

Targeting farmers and planning famines.
Of course the United Nations is behind it.
Agriculture Canada goes on to accuse cereal farmers of having “one of the highest levels of emissions intensity” among exporting countries. The claim refers to data gathered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that puts Canada at the top of the list.

On anarchism

“My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning the abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs) — or to ‘unconstitutional’ Monarchy. I would arrest anybody who uses the word State (in any sense other than the inaminate real of England and its inhabitants, a thing that has neither power, rights nor mind); and after a chance of recantation, execute them if they remained obstinate! If we could go back to personal names, it would do a lot of good.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so to refer to people … The most improper job of any many, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity …

There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamating factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.”

– J.R.R. Tolkien, letter to his son, 1943 (from The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien).

Source: Tolkien on anarchism

Archbishop Vigano’s message to America – profound truths

How was it possible to arrive at such a betrayal? How have we come to be considered enemies by those who govern us, not in support of the common good, but rather to feed a hellish machine of death and slavery?
The answer is now clear: throughout the world, in the name of a perverted concept of freedom, we have progressively erased God from society and laws.We have denied that there is an eternal and transcendent principle, valid for all men of all times, to which the laws of States must conform. We have replaced this absolute principle with the arbitrariness of individuals, with the principle that everyone is his own legislator. In the name of this insane freedom — which is license and libertinage — we have allowed the Law of God and the law of nature to be violated, legitimizing the killing of children in the womb, even up to the very moment of birth; the killing of the sick and the elderly in hospital wards; the destruction of the natural family and of Marriage; we have recognized rights to vice and sin, putting the deviations of individuals before the good of society. In short, we have subverted the entire moral order that constitutes the indispensable basis of the laws and social life of a people. Already in the fourth century B.C., Plato wrote these things in his last work The Laws and identified the cause of the Athenian political crisis precisely in the breaking of the divine order — the cosmos — between these eternal principles and human laws.

MUST READ: “By Complying with the COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism” – VA Nurse Sends Out Letter and Compared the Guidelines as an ‘Act of Terrorism’

I believe the universal mask-wearing, the PCR test, and the vaccinations are all experimental and cannot be mandated and at this time. The mandates are now being contested through the judicial system.  download ( 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel – Instructions for Use ( Vaccines | FDA.  I believe the current protocols are a failure in preventing infections or transmissions and the primary reason for the protocols is to create an atmosphere of terror for which the only solution given is an experimental vaccine. This is terrorism, coercion to force patients to participate in an experimental treatment, and in direct violation of the Nuremburg Code. The Nuremberg Code (


Source: MUST READ: “By Complying with the COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism” – VA Nurse Sends Out Letter and Compared the Guidelines as an ‘Act of Terrorism’

Why Woke Organizations All Sound the Same | City Journal

It’s Stone Age magical thinking:

Based on his study of a Stone Age culture in New Guinea, Bronisław Malinowski argued that when people face uncertainty, they turn to magic to propitiate the capricious spirits responsible for their incomprehensible misfortune. Being ever-so-sophisticated people who attended business school, corporate executives don’t hire shamans to replenish fisheries or to avoid a storm. Instead, they bring in consultants to help the firm embrace best practices. But as Charles Fain Lehman explains, John Meyer and Brian Rowan’s 1977 paper in the American Journal of Sociology, “Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony,” argues that this distinction is a farce—that much behavior as practiced by modern corporations, NGOs, and government agencies is not about technical efficacy that rationally orients means to ends but ritual, vaguely intended to elicit good fortune by achieving legitimacy with the firm’s “environment.”
So “wokeism” is the new Stone Age “magical thinking.” I’m reminded of a quote from Walden by Henry David Thoreau:
“The head monkey at Paris puts on a traveler’s cap, and all the monkeys in America do the same.”
He was talking about clothing fashions but it works for social fashions too. Just substitute ‘government’ for Paris and ‘corporations’ for America.

Source: Why Woke Organizations All Sound the Same | City Journal

Rep. Murphy: FDA Adviser’s Remark on COVID-19 Jab for Kids ‘The Most Dangerous Statement I’ve Ever Heard in Medicine’

The advisory panel voted this week about advising the FDA to authorize Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11-years-old. “We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it,” Rubin said before the vote. “That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines, like the rotavirus vaccine.”

Democrats are evil. They want you AND your children dead.

Source: Rep. Murphy: FDA Adviser’s Remark on COVID-19 Jab for Kids ‘The Most Dangerous Statement I’ve Ever Heard in Medicine’

The COVID vaccination program is the largest medical experiment in human history


Facebook slaps this blatant lie on every post about the Wuhan flu “vaccines.” This makes Facebook accessory to the largest potential genocide in human history. Note they never list those ‘tests’. And why “monitor closely” if it passed those ‘tests’ and is safe?

• It was known by the FDA and others that no previous coronavirus vaccines ever passed animal trials. The test animals got seriously ill or died. These experimental vaccines were shown to make worse the symptoms of the disease they were supposed to suppress. (“The delta variant is the vaccine-injured.”)
• Initially, Pfizer was running a 44,000 person clinical trial to see if its COVID-19 vaccine had adverse long-term effects. Against the strong recommendation of the FDA and in midstream of the test, Pfizer offered its vaccine to members of the placebo control group. Many took it, negating the validity of trial. This means Pfizer didn’t complete any long-term testing to establish the safety of its vaccine.
• Rest easy. These novel messenger-RNA vaccines are now being thoroughly tested …. tested on all those have been vaccinated. Those people, whether they know it or not and whether the like it or not, are part of the largest medical experiment in human history. This is where all the adverse events, if any, will surface and presumably be addressed. That those vaccinated were never fully told of the risks involved, however, means they could not have given their informed consent to being injected.

Source: The COVID vaccination program is the largest medical experiment in human history

The Great Reset of Beef Consumption

They’re coming for our food. Lying, as usual, and worse—promoting serious eating disorders like veganism. All on the false premise that meat is inefficient and therefore bad for the environment.

“Another big lie is that beef production causes substantial waste of crops that could be consumed by humans. But it’s not as if beef cattle are mostly fed grain that humans may consume. In fact, 84% of livestock feed is inedible to humans — corn husk, oat straw, almond hulls, soybean skins, and other agricultural waste. In a sense, livestock convert what we cannot eat into what we can — namely, dairy products and beef, both sources of high-quality protein.”

Source: The Great Reset of Beef Consumption