Criminologists Mislead Us

Between 1991 and 2017, the nationwide violent crime rate fell from 758 cases to 382 cases per 100,000 people. Despite the evidence that higher incarceration reduces crime rates, many criminologists argue that “mass incarceration” has actually “took minority men out of their neighborhoods, stripped them of voting rights, destabilized families, and sapped already-paltry economic resources from struggling communities.” Wright and DeLisi say that “Such claims could seem plausible only if one believes — contrary to evidence and common sense — that career criminals contribute positively to their neighborhoods, enjoy stable and functional families, vote, and work. What they did, in reality, was to prey on their neighbors.”


Source: Criminologists Mislead Us

Dispatches from the Race War

The race war rages on the culture front:

Mary Reid, assistant professor at University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, worries math tests for all new teachers could lead to fewer visible minorities entering the profession.”

The purpose of schooling is to include visible minorities. A math test uncomfortably approximates an intelligence test. These make the obvious…well, obvious. Another step backward toward the Olduvai Gorge.

Source: Dispatches from the Race War

Thread by @julie_kelly2: “Since Election Night, I’ve been called a racist, a moron, an idiot, a traitor to my gender, and un-American. I’ve been accused of supporting […]”

The Left started this race war. They degrade citizenship. They trash Americans. They shoot at GOP congressmen and target pro-life high schoolers and chase people out of public spaces. They make the dangerous Nazi comparisons. They jeopardize our security and tranquility
Yep. The Democrats want another civil war.

Source: Thread by @julie_kelly2: “Since Election Night, I’ve been called a racist, a moron, an idiot, a traitor to my gender, and un-American. I’ve been accused of supporting […]”

The Communist Conspiracy to Destroy America Was Real, and Continues

The vast majority of Americans do not spend their days brooding about race and gender, or arguing about “social justice.” Most Americans don’t care about politics except at election time, and still less do they view their lives in “intersectional” terms of oppression and privilege. In other words, ordinary Americans just live their lives — working to pay their bills, raising their kids, watching TV — without giving any thought to racism or sexism or anything else that concerns the “educated left wing elite,” to use Sarah Jeong’s description of herself. There would be no real racial conflict in America, were it not for activists who foment division among us. These activists want to destroy America.

Source: The Communist Conspiracy to Destroy America Was Real, and Continues

The Only Racists In America

There are African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, Arab-Americans, Native-Americans, etc. And then there are just – Americans.

You have the United Negro College Fund, Hispanic History Month, Martin Luther King Day, Asian History Month, Black Entertainment Television, Black History Month, Cesar Chavez Day, Kwanzaa and the NAACP.

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we’d be called racists.

If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.

If we had a White History Month, we’d be called racist for that.

The only racists I’ve ever met were liberal, hyphenated-Americans.

Source: The Only Racists In America

Identity Politics Works Until You Run Out of Other People

The choke point is when the small minority expands to include you. And then it’s no longer a few billionaires. It’s the upper middle class. And then it’s the entire middle class. It’s all white people. It’s all men. And then it’s everyone. The minority turns out to be the majority. And that’s the scam.

Identity politics is approaching its own choke point. It’s running out of other people.

Source: Sultan Knish

Fascism Came To America Wrapped In A Rainbow Flag And Wearing A Pussyhat


That said, the painted face of enlightened coastal liberalism has facilitated the agendas of the oppression machine far more. The drop in healthy suspicion of the US intelligence community, the demand for online censorship, the manufactured support for world-threatening cold war escalations — these things didn’t come from the red states. This willing complicity with Orwellian agendas was birthed into existence by those bastions of progressive values in America’s cultural hubs on either side of the continent. It is maintained by NPR-listening, latte-sipping liberals who view themselves as open-minded and woke.

Source: Medium