Religion of Hate | The Z Blog

Now, 2016 you sits down with the 2005 you and says, “In a decade, our black Muslim president, who may be bisexual (Google Reggie Love), will issue an edict forcing schools to let mentally ill men in dresses into restrooms, so they can watch your daughter pee. The Republican Party will sneak a provision into a mammoth budget bill legalizing this edict. When challenged, the President will claim the Christian Bible requires it.”

Source: Religion of Hate | The Z Blog

Disturbing List Of Sexual Crimes Already Committed In Target Stores | Mad World News

“It’s rather disgusting that some people will so rabidly support the idea of allowing all grown men free access to women’s facilities — because God forbid an actual transwoman’s feelings might get hurt — but they refuse to acknowledge the sexual crimes which have already been committed by grown men in Target stores.”

Source: Disturbing List Of Sexual Crimes Already Committed In Target Stores | Mad World News