University of Colorado Bans Free Inquiry of Students Questioning Global Warming

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs has clamped down on students who challenge the orthodoxy regarding manmade global warming.

Seems they’re losing the argument. The closing of the American mind is alive and well at U of Colorado.

Source: University of Colorado Bans Free Inquiry of Students Questioning Global Warming

You Owe Them Nothing – Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience – Kurt Schlichter

Now it seems we actually have a new social contract – do what we say and don’t resist, and in return we’ll abuse you, lie about you, take your money, and look down upon you in contempt. What a bargain!It’s not a social contract anymore – American society today is a suicide pact we never agreed to and yet we’re expected to go first.I say “No.”We owe them nothing – not respect, not loyalty, not obedience. Nothing.

Source: You Owe Them Nothing – Not Respect, Not Loyalty, Not Obedience – Kurt Schlichter

Sultan Knish: A Socialist Les Miserables in Venezuela

Venezuelan socialists used the familiar language of claiming that subsidies and free services were human rights. “Health care can’t be privatized because it is a fundamental human right,” Chavez once claimed. That should sound familiar. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have said the same thing.

But Venezuela’s universal health care has no actual medicine. Hospitals have no running water or soap. Victims arrive with gunshots and aren’t treated until they settle their bill. Babies die routinely.

Source: Sultan Knish: A Socialist Les Miserables in Venezuela

PHOTOS: UN military vehicles seen rolling down Virginia interstate – The American MirrorThe American Mirror

“Tactical Vehicles, with bullet proof glass? What ever could those be for, and why are UN vehicles here, in THIS country?!” Fernando Johnson questioned, while Vincent Sammons noted, “They are sealed against gas too.”


Source: PHOTOS: UN military vehicles seen rolling down Virginia interstate – The American MirrorThe American Mirror

‘No Fly, No Buy’ Means No Freedom – The Unz Review

If a government bureaucrat can put your name on a secret list on the bureaucrat’s own whim or even using secret standards and, as a result, you have lost a fundamental liberty, then the feds have transformed a natural right into a governmental gift. If the feds can create a no-fly list in secret and “no fly” comes to mean “no buy,” then we have no rights but what the government will permit us to do.

Source: ‘No Fly, No Buy’ Means No Freedom – The Unz Review

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

Other administration agencies that have purchased guns and ammo include the Small Business Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Education, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Why in the world does the SBA, NOAA, EPA, FDA, etc, need military-grade arms? Or ANY arms at all? Answer: They don’t. It’s part of the Obamarroid’s promised “civilian national security force.” And he wanted it wanted it as big as all of the nation’s military branches.

In other words, the Democrats want their own private army. To be used to trample you, me, the Constitution, etc.


Source: There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines



Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Pretend Sex

A doctor’s decision not to treat a patient acting like the opposite sex could earn him criminal investigation, according to a new health care rule.

Once again we see graphic evidence of mental illness among the Democrats. They have absolutely no grasp on reality. They live in a fantasy world. And then they project their mental illness onto conservatives by accusing conservatives of being ‘anti-science’.

Source: Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Pretend Sex