Is There Any Intellectual Value in ‘Gender Studies’? | National Review

Gender studies is not about trying to understand the world, but is all about trying to change it in certain ways. It doesn’t seek to convey a body of knowledge, but just a set of grievances.

So the answer is ‘no.’ The U.S. needs to follow Hungary in banning such programs in colleges and unversities.

Source: Is There Any Intellectual Value in ‘Gender Studies’? | National Review

Bishop Foys says he was “bullied.”

“We should not have allowed ourselves to be bullied and pressured into making a statement prematurely, and we take full responsibility for it,” Foys wrote in the letter cited by news outlets. “I especially apologize to Nicholas Sandmann and his family, as well as to all CovCath families who have felt abandoned during this ordeal.”  Newsweek

This is embarrassing. A grown man never learned how to deal with bullies. How do you get to be his age without learning to deal with them? Was he from the privileged elite? Went to an elite private school? This bishop (small ‘b’ because he does not deserve the title) thinks he was bullied? Maybe if he knew anything about his faith… maybe if he’d ever read the New Testament… he would know real bullying — the kind experienced by Jesus Christ while on earth. THAT is bullying. And Jesus stood up to it.

This was your flock, bishop Foys! The flock you were supposed to lead and protect. You failed miserably. Because you were ‘bullied’. Please give examples of the bullying you suffered. You are obviously not shepherd material. That’s what a bishop is supposed to be, a shepherd. You are just a paid sheep-herder who flees at the slightest hint of opposition.

Hey bishop Foys, how about you try to follow the example of your Lord and Savior? You are a pathetic excuse for a Catholic, a bishop, a man, and a human being.

Source: Bishop Foys says he was “bullied.”

An evening with Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin – Bookworm Room

And then Peterson came out with what was (to me) a startling insight: Leftists are drawn to power, not just because it’s the nature of the beast, but because of their relativism. Power negates competence and, for a Leftist, competence is a dangerous reminder that incompetence exists as well.

Leftists have abandoned the Founders’ belief that all humans are created equal in the eyes of the law, even as they maintain their individual differences. Instead, Leftists insist upon a mandate that all people (notwithstanding their insistence on external hallmarks of diversity) must be perceived as identical. This mandate makes the entire idea that incompetence exists untenable — especially because those mostly loudly seeking power may do so because they lack competence in anything other than power seeking.

Interesting notion.

Source: An evening with Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin – Bookworm Room

The Radical End

When you start to tabulate the radical agenda and the ad hoc activity of the Left, the most obvious conclusion is there is little coordination. The people at the top have lost control of the monster they created. They dream of creating a coalition of non-whiles, over which they will preside, so they can control the empire. The trouble is their coalition is always reminding the other side that such an arrangement will be a catastrophe. Again, the Left is mostly just radicalizing white people now.

“Again, the Left is mostly just radicalizing white people now.”


Source: The Radical End

How social media censorship demonstrates the horrors of driverless cars

What do the driverless car and its accompanying freedom trade-off have to do with social media censorship?  Perhaps everything.  Government bureaucrats will not personally program the massive database upon which the driverless cars will depend.  Instead, the database will rely upon the same tech-savvy talent pool that has revolutionized every aspect of mass communication in recent decades.  The same ideology that controls our online communications will now be controlling the destinations of our driverless cars.

Do we expect the driverless car database to operate any more “fairly” than social media?  Will we be surprised when conservatives find themselves locked out of the GPS database after voicing conservative opinions on social media?  Facebook has no rational explanation for the censorship it now practices.  The company ultimately apologized to Franklin Graham.  But it ignores protests from its less famous users who find themselves blocked or censored.

We have no reason to believe that Big Tech will treat us any better once its GPS system controls our transportation.

Liberalism is just plain evil. I would never have thought of this. But then, I, and my fellow conservatives, believe in freedom and don’t go around trying to control your life.

Source: How social media censorship demonstrates the horrors of driverless cars

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Anthony Halliday a/k/a ‘Stephanie Hayden’

The face of mental illness…

Do you see what happens when we permit the rhetoric of “civil rights” to be hijacked by lunatics and perverts? Graham Linehan never sought to interfere with Halliday’s fetish of wearing women’s clothing and pretending to be a woman named “Stephanie.” Rather, it is the bullying behavior of “transgender activism” which brought Halliday/“Hayden” to public attention and prompted Linehan’s criticism.

If your state or local authorities attempt to impose transgender “equality” by law, your free-speech rights could soon be similarly infringed.

Source: Crazy People Are Dangerous: Anthony Halliday a/k/a ‘Stephanie Hayden’ Continue reading Crazy People Are Dangerous: Anthony Halliday a/k/a ‘Stephanie Hayden’

This is the next tactic to disarm us – Personal Liberty®

There are millions of gun owners in America who consider themselves Christian. Now we have atheists in places of influence and power declaring ad hoc that Christianity is a mental disorder that can and should be cured. The day is soon coming where a person’s Christianity will get him labeled as mentally defective and therefore ineligible to possess weapons.

Democrats and all other flavors of leftists are, by definition, mentally ill and should be banned from gun ownership and holding any elective office. Round them up and dump them in San Francisco. Then quarantine San Francisco.

Source: This is the next tactic to disarm us – Personal Liberty®