ACT for America Declares Culture War

Gabriel during her morning address worried that Muslim immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa “basically have no loyalty to our country,” a theme Ryan Fournier elaborated upon during his lunch address.  The Students for Trump national chairman denounced leftists as “see[ing] the world through a fantasy lens.  Their fanatical pursuit of diversity and cultural enrichment is a threat to Western civilization.”  Particularly in Europe, “multiculturalism” and “open border policies have led to a wave of terror attacks,” such that “left-wing politicians have blood on their hands.”  America should learn from Europe’s negative experience that “there is a clear difference between Eastern and Western cultures, and blending the two simply does not work.”

Democrats have no loyalty to our country either.

Source: ACT for America Declares Culture War

That Dystopia Everyone Fears? It’ll Come From the Left

Incidentally, there is a society which demands women dress a certain way and follow men’s every order. Hint: it rhymes with Sharia law in Islam. But we’re not allowed to talk about Islam, are we? The people who fear a dystopian world full of governmental regulations have made any negative mention of Islam forbidden. But Donald Trump is the problem.

Source: That Dystopia Everyone Fears? It’ll Come From the Left

Leo III’s 1300-Year-Old Lesson: Understand Islam to Defeat Jihad

Nor do I wish to pass over in silence the abominable authorization given by your legislator to have with your wives a commerce that he has compared, I am ashamed to say, to the tilling of fields. As a consequence of this license, a a goodly number of you have contracted the habit of multiplying their commerce with women, as if it were a question of tilling fields. Nor can I forget the chastity of your Prophet and the manner full of artifice whereby he succeeded in seducing the woman Zeda [sic, Zaynab; see Koran 33:3738; see further elaboration from the hadith, and jurisprudence, etc. here and here]. Of all these abominations the worst is that of accusing God of being the originator of all these filthy acts, which fact has doubtless been the cause of the introduction of this disgusting law. Is there indeed a worse blasphemy than that of alleging that God is the cause of all this evil?…[F]or I know nothing worse than not holding sin to be such as it is, and that is what you really do in never seeking nor receiving pardon [see Koran 14:4]. In the Gospel God  has commanded the husband not to repudiate the wife save for the cause of adultery, but you act otherwise. When you are tired of your wives, as of some kind of nourishment, you abandon them at your fancy. It had been my intention to conceal, if possible the shamelessness with which you remarry, and how before retaking your repudiated wives you make them sleep in the bed of another. [Koran 2:2272:232] And what shall I say of the execrable debauchery which you commit with your concubines? For you are prodigal with them of all your fortune, and then, when you are tired of them you sell them like cattle [Koran 4:3; 4:2425; 23:6]

— Letter from Leo III to Caliph Umar II

Source: Leo III’s 1300-Year-Old Lesson: Understand Islam to Defeat Jihad

Austria’s government plans to shut down mosques and expel imams

‘Parallel societies, political Islam and radicalisation have no place in our country,’ Kurz told a news conference outlining the government’s decisions, which were based on that law.

‘This is just the beginning,’ far-right Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache added.

Kudos to Austria. They haven’t forgotten the lessons of Vienna in 1683.

This needs to be done in the US also. Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian ideology as bad as Communism, Nazism, and Socialism.

Source: Austria’s government plans to shut down mosques and expel imams

Political Correctness Destroys History and Christianity

Reading left-wing sources might give you the impression that evil Christians in Europe wanted to take back the holy land from the peaceful Muslims. Here’s a map you’ve probably never seen, showing the battles waged by Muslims against Christians. Christians fought back by focusing on the holy lands. Muslims had waged 548 battles before the First Crusade in 1095 called by Pope Urban II.

Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian political movement. It needs to be defeated and banned by all civilized nations.

Source: Political Correctness Destroys History And Christianity

The Media, the NRA, and Islam

So whom are you going to believe, Anderson Cooper, who knows as much about Islam as he knows about picking up girls in singles bars, or ten thousand imams who have literally memorized every verse in the Quran?

But does it even matter?  Because regardless of who’s right about the true tenets of Islam, millions of Muslims believe that killing innocent, unarmed civilians is their ticket to paradise.

How do I know?  Because most of the time, they announce it by shouting “Allahu akbar!” right before they slaughter everyone in sight.  Still, the American left and its lapdog media claim to have a hard time figuring out the motives behind such attacks.

Source: The Media, the NRA, and Islam

Muslims Were America’s Top Mass Shooters in Last 2 Out of 3 Years

It is deeply disturbing to learn that two-thirds of the racist mass shootings in the past 5 years were carried out by murderers with ties to a racist hate group that had connections inside the White House, whose leader had met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus and whose man has the second top job at the DNC. When asked about his Farrakhan connections, Rep. Ellison attempted to deflect by urging the media to look at white nationalist gun violence. But black nationalist gun violence is just as important. And it is rarely discussed because its existence taints top Democrats like Obama and Ellison.

Source: Sultan Knish