New York Will Allow Transgender Minors To Change Sex On Birth Certificate

“It shouldn’t take a minor and his family suing the state to get their rights recognized, but with this announcement, New York state eliminates an outdated and unjust barrier to transgender minors’ ability to be themselves and have accurate, essential identity documents,” Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, senior attorney at Lambda Legal, said in a written statement according to Dallas Voice.

What we have here is a group suing for a minor’s ‘right’ to OFFICIALLY LIE. There is no such thing as a ‘transgender.’ You are born male or female in every cell of your body. Period. Anything else is a mental illness. This will be true until you can change the chromosomes in every cell of your body.

Of course, lying is what the Left does best. Using the police power of the state to assist lying is pure evil.

Source: New York Will Allow Transgender Minors To Change Sex On Birth Certificate

Never Marry a Feminist | Suzanne Venker

If you believe sex roles are a result a patriarchy designed to disempower women, rather than on what they’re actually based on—the biological differences between the sexes—your relationship is doomed. A successful marriage relationship demands a deep understanding of male and female nature.

A strong marriage is in fact predicated on sexual inequality, or on how much couples let their differences shine.

Just say ‘no’ to feminists. They are a waste of time.


Source: Never Marry a Feminist | Suzanne Venker

Environmentalists Want To Take Your Food, Your Home, And Your Children

  • The World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency letter published in the Bioscience journal boasted the signatures of 11,000 scientists lending the full weight of their useless degrees to order that “the world population must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity.” Reducing populations for social integrity was the specialty of such innovative environmental activists as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mohammed…

  • And so a letter in Lancet Planetary Health by assorted scientists, grad students, people who claim to be scientists, and people who once watched an episode of Cosmos, demanded that meat consumption drop by 2030…

  • “We need another kind of escape route—away from our ideologies of ownership and property, and toward more collective, healthy, and just cities,’ the socialist rag argues.

What do you mean ‘we’? You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Source: Environmentalists Want To Take Your Food, Your Home, And Your Children.

An American dystopia – but is it deliberate?

I find myself repeating that saying when I consider the catastrophic results of liberal, left-wing, progressive government in so many US cities and states, particularly in the so-called Rust Belt and on the East and West Coasts.  It’s particularly visible in urban areas.  So many of them exhibit precisely the same signs of decay and incipient social collapse that I’m beginning to think it can’t be coincidental, or even accidental.  I’m more and more convinced that the loony left is actually planning this, as a way to make the citizens of those cities more and more dependent on their (ineffectual) governments just to survive the dystopia in which they live.

I know it’s deliberate. In the mid-90s, at a neighborhood association meeting in Dayton, Ohio, a city commissioner came to speak to us about the city budget plan (the topic of discussion). The city commission was made up of five members – 4 Democrats and a token Republican (the result of having ‘at large’ elections for the positions. It’s now 100% Democrat.) The Democrat commissioner told us that they were actually PLANNING on the whole city population being welfare recipients.

I no longer reside in that city.

Source: An American dystopia – but is it deliberate?

German Bishops Pronounce Homosexuality ‘Normal’ and ‘Unchangeable’

Both the homosexual and heterosexual orientation “belong to the normal forms of a sexual predisposition that cannot and should not be changed by any specific socialization,” the Dec. 5 communiqué stated.

The bishops embraced the findings of a study group on sexual morality chaired by Berlin Archbishop Heiner Koch, which will form a starting point for the “Synodal Way of the Church” in Germany to rethink Catholic teachings and praxis for the present day.

I’ve said for years that the Catholic church has a homosexual problem—homosexuals infest its clergy—so of course they support this anti-Christian perversion.

Note that they are ‘rethinking’ Catholic teachings… not waiting for a new revelation from God… who they don’t believe in anyway.

This is why the punishment for homosexuality is so severe in the Scriptures. Any ‘tolerance’ of it leads to this.

Source: German Bishops Pronounce Homosexuality ‘Normal’ and ‘Unchangeable’

Houston police chief calls out Cornyn, Cruz, McConnell in wake of cop’s shooting death

Houston police chief is an unAmerican, anti-Constitution @sshole.

“And who killed our sergeant? A boyfriend abusing his girlfriend,” Acevedo said. “So you’re either here for women and children and our daughters and our sisters and our aunts or you’re here for the NRA.”

I’m here as a lifetime NRA member who is flat against infringing on the natural, Constitutional rights of others because Acevedo is a failure as a police chief. He’s a crybully who obviously wasn’t there for his ‘women and children and daughters and sisters and aunts…’ Probably only there for the Democrats’ favorite constituency — hostile invaders (aka illegal immigrants).

Source: Houston police chief calls out Cornyn, Cruz, McConnell in wake of cop’s shooting death

Lisa Page plays the victim card a week before Horowitz report to be released

Lisa Page United States House Judiciary Committee interview, Washington DC, USA - 13 Jul 2018
Lisa ‘Strzok’s slut’ Page

In a story that doesn’t hold together very well, Lisa Page launches her spin campaign just a week before the Department of Justice inspector general, Horowitz, is to release his report, providing reason to believe she has struck a deal with DOJ prosecutors.

Source: Lisa Page plays the victim card a week before Horowitz report to be released