Greek Life retreat cancelled after banana peel found in tree

After word of the banana spread throughout the retreat, leaders decided to end the event early. Arndt explained that she “felt it was imperative to provide space immediately to students affected by this incident.”

According to The DM, some students left the retreat in tears, with McNeil noting that they “didn’t feel welcome” and “didn’t feel safe.”

Seriously? Over a banana peel? We’re doomed!

Source: Greek Life retreat cancelled after banana peel found in tree

State to homeschoolers: Watching eclipse not educational

“In the nearly hour-long home visit, the assistant director told Hope that the trip that her family took to observe the solar eclipse wouldn’t be counted as school time. The school official also belittled her ability to educate her children, stating that even as a professional educator he wasn’t qualified to teach his own children at home,” the report said.

This ‘school official’ is human excrement. I AM qualified to teach anyone anything I know. This includes home schooling my kids, or any kids, through high school. I am a high school graduate. If you aren’t qualified to teach what you know, then your high school diploma is worthless and you should sue your school district.

Source: State to homeschoolers: Watching eclipse not educational

Alabama HS students want classroom LGBT flag removed, compare it to Confederate flag – The College Fix

The students’ petition asks school principal Shannon Pignato to “consider the uproar and chaos that would ensue were a teacher to hang for example a Confederate, Christian, or Heterosexual Flag in their classroom.

It’s far more offensive…

Source: Alabama HS students want classroom LGBT flag removed, compare it to Confederate flag – The College Fix

Feminism as Cliché: When You’re Just Another Privileged White Girl : The Other McCain

The reason why feminists think all men are stupid is because no intelligent man would ever waste time talking to a feminist.

Quote of the Day!

Source: Feminism as Cliché: When You’re Just Another Privileged White Girl : The Other McCain

Racial History in the Solar Eclipse Path of Totality – The Atlantic

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. The moon’s shadow will be about 70 miles wide, and it will race across the country faster than the speed of sound, exiting the eastern seaboard shortly before 3 p.m. local time. It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people.

The eclipse is racist!

(Hat tip: Bayou Renaissance Man

Source: Racial History in the Solar Eclipse Path of Totality – The Atlantic

Sultan Knish: Weimar America

If Democrats really want to stop the rise of Neo-Nazi violence, there’s a very easy way. Stop normalizing black nationalism and the Alt-Left. End the racist witch hunts for white privilege. Make it clear that street violence is unacceptable and that racism is bad no matter who it comes from. Allow people you disagree with to express their views without trying to destroy their lives.

Source: Sultan Knish: Weimar America

Implicit Bias is the New Original Sin  |  Ricochet

Thanks to US immigration policy and the forward progression of time, there are many people, white and otherwise, who now live in America and can legitimately claim that they had absolutely nothing to do with the injustices of slavery and Jim Crow, because they weren’t here while these things were going on and aren’t related to anyone who was. So, there needs to be a myth that proves that racism is just part of man’s fallen nature. The Old Testament has Eve eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge; Science™ has the Implicit Association Test.

There are actually multiple Implicit Association Tests (you can try them out here, if you like), but the first one is the “Race IAT”, which claims to show that Americans implicitly associate “European Americans” with “Good concepts” and “African Americans” with “Bad concepts.”

I took two of these tests. Basically, the results simply measured my response time. Since I’m right-handed, my right-hand response times (faster) showed I’m a racist. Hardly scientific.

Source: Implicit Bias is the New Original Sin  |  Ricochet