Sultan Knish: The Right to Happiness is the Antidote to Tyranny

Modern revolutions are solution-based. So are modern governments. Redistribute the wealth. Power to the workers. Put X in charge. Strengthen Laws Y through Z. Impose your will on everyone else. And there is the Declaration of Independence, old and worn, offering up an idea as fragile as a butterfly, that government does not exist to impose solutions, but to protect the individual’s pursuit of happiness.

Source: Sultan Knish: The Right to Happiness is the Antidote to Tyranny

Independence Day!

I’m a vet. Took the oath then. Took it again when hired in a government job. Taken the same oath twice. Never been relieved of said oath. To misquote Thomas Paine, my job is to protect my country from my government. That’s why the oath is to the Constitution, not the government.

‘No Fly, No Buy’ Means No Freedom – The Unz Review

If a government bureaucrat can put your name on a secret list on the bureaucrat’s own whim or even using secret standards and, as a result, you have lost a fundamental liberty, then the feds have transformed a natural right into a governmental gift. If the feds can create a no-fly list in secret and “no fly” comes to mean “no buy,” then we have no rights but what the government will permit us to do.

Source: ‘No Fly, No Buy’ Means No Freedom – The Unz Review

GOODSTUFFs CYBER WORLD: Atomic Hand Held Weapons are Scary

I go to the sporting goods section, a perfect gruesome area where implements of death and destruction are openly and brazenly sold. I notice a atomic hand held weapon just lying on a shelf. I reach for it as if it was a South African centipede, wondering if it will go off when I pull it off the shelf. That’s right, a shelf. Where anybody could get it.

Source: GOODSTUFFs CYBER WORLD: Atomic Hand Held Weapons are Scary

Free Range International » Fourth Generation War Comes To America: What Are You Going To Do About It?

That the target was a gay night club is irrelevant. Homosexuality and Islam have a strange relationship due to the many peculiar customs routine among unmarried young adult males that in the west would consider homosexual. That’s old news. My speculation is that the nature of the target aided the Icehole shooter by de-humanizing his targets through the interpretation of the targeted group contained in the Koran. He could have targeted a stripper bar or any kind of bar for the same reason.

Source: Free Range International » Fourth Generation War Comes To America: What Are You Going To Do About It?

A Culture of Lies | The Z Blog

That’s the reality of this event. Barak Obama, on the other hand, blames it on Magic Shape Theory™. He claim this man was exposed to metal and plastic formed into mystical shapes that imbued them with the power to take over the mind of this one guy, turning him into a murderer. Therefore he is calling on his chief sorcerer to cast a level three wishing spell to prevent this particular shape from forming again. That way, no one will ever be possessed by this shape and turned into a killer.

Source: A Culture of Lies | The Z Blog

Trump vs. Cuckservatives (and Left) – The Unz Review

As outlined in the 1993 essay collection Words That Wound, one of the most widely distributed products of Critical Race Legal Theory, the goal of multicultural activists is to develop a legal framework which will characterize “racist hate speech” (i.e. truthful observations) as no longer protected by the First Amendment.

The upshot is that Trump is right.

Source: Trump vs. Cuckservatives (and Left) – The Unz Review

You MUST Change Your Attitude in [Market-Ticker]

READ THIS CAREFULLY FOLKS: The cops, with overwhelming force that they demand the right to possess and use at their whim while at the same time they refuse to allow you to have and possess defensive firepower on your person in the very same situation and place, cowered outside in fear and let the patrons who had been shot and were being shot die.

Source: You MUST Change Your Attitude in [Market-Ticker]