Articles: Hillary’s ‘Deplorable’ Ain’t the Half of It

Has the white middle class reacted to injustice by descent into riot and mayhem? No, they just quietly go to the nearest Trump rally and hope that he really will Make America Great Again.

Has the white middle class rallied to a racist White Lives Matter movement? No, and no billionaires have been offering money like the way George Soros has ponied up cash for the racist Black Lives Matter.

Source: Articles: Hillary’s ‘Deplorable’ Ain’t the Half of It

Articles: Alien Retreat: The Rise of the Deplorables

This is what was most disturbing: We ‘ve witnessed a test to see if U.S. civil servants are willing to suppress their consciences and falsify their beliefs in order to continue to “fit in” at work. After all, IRS, EPA, Homeland Security, and U.S. Park Service employees can, like Adolf Eichmann, reassure themselves, saying, “I’m only doing my job.”

Source: Articles: Alien Retreat: The Rise of the Deplorables

WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats – Liz Cheney for U.S. Congress |

As he released terrorists to return to the field of battle, Mr. Obama was simultaneously withdrawing American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. He calls this policy “ending wars.” Most reasonable people recognize this approach as losing wars.

Source: WSJ Op-ed: Dangers Rise as America Retreats – Liz Cheney for U.S. Congress |

Generation Meathead | The Z Blog

Filmmaker, actor and outspoken Donald Trump detractor Rob Reiner says it is impossible to level with the Republican presidential nominee’s bigoted supporters, who are “mostly white males who don’t have college degrees.”

Translation: They haven’t been properly indoctrinated in the sewer that is what passes for Leftist ‘thought’.

Source: Generation Meathead | The Z Blog

Behold the Courage of Colin Kaepernick, America’s Greatest Hero – Kurt Schlichter

And then there are the people who call Kaepernick “brave.” Some people really think that this tattooed goof is taking a risk. Of what? Of being celebrated by the liberal media? Of getting attention his abilities on the field sure won’t earn him? Hell, the NFL won’t even clearly repudiate his idiotic views; of course, it also won’t let the Cowboys honor the cops some other Black Lives Matter fan murdered. That’s another reason to eschew pro sports.

Source: Behold the Courage of Colin Kaepernick, America’s Greatest Hero – Kurt Schlichter

Milwaukee – The Unz Review

The cultural divide appears unbridgeable. Blacks are a self-aware, aggrieved, and angry people widely apart from the civilization of whites. They have little desire for assimilation and indeed actively reject it. In Mexico, blacks speak normal Spanish and, in France, normal French. In America, Dat be actin’ white. They give their children strange names, Latoyota and Keeshawn, to maintain distance from whites. Their music is both frequently obscene and frequently hostile to whites. “Acting white,” as for example by studying, is punitively disdained. This is not headed for comfortable multicultural commensalism.

Source: Milwaukee – The Unz Review