John Hawkins – 7 Things Liberals Should Learn From This Election But Won’t

Barack Obama was the most radical President in American history. During his tenure in office, gay marriage was forced on an unwilling country. As a follow-up, Christians who refused to cater gay weddings were persecuted by the government while liberals insisted that mentally ill men should be able to use the bathroom with women and little girls.

Source: John Hawkins – 7 Things Liberals Should Learn From This Election But Won’t

Sultan Knish: Election 2048 – Under the Peace of Islam

“No American president has taken an oath on a bible in over a decade, all that the governor meant was that he would keep both Christians and Muslims in mind as the people of Allah when he takes his oath to protect and defend the Sharia,” Aisha Zubedi said.

Source: Sultan Knish: Election 2048 – Under the Peace of Islam

Articles: At Risk Is Nothing Less Than the Right Ever to Resist Again

Her followers have also made their presence and their awful potential known. We have seen them in Occupy camps, in race riots, in vicious attacks on whites that are ignored, in purposeful incitement to violence at political rallies, in bombings of Republican political offices, and in the mounting murder figures in every city controlled by her political party.

Source: Articles: At Risk Is Nothing Less Than the Right Ever to Resist Again

Articles: Censoring Language as Offensive Violates the Constitution

But like many other liberal power-enabling concepts, those perpetrating it intend to repeat it so often that it becomes accepted by a majority of Americans. But it cannot survive constitutional scrutiny for the simple reason that in order to accept the censorship authority of person A, one has to disqualify the censorship authority of person B. Simply put, this implies that one person’s feeling of being offended has value, and everyone else’s doesn’t.

Source: Articles: Censoring Language as Offensive Violates the Constitution
