Internal Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries – The Unz Review

For whatever reason, those who regard themselves as liberals are far more given to demonstrating and rioting than conservatives, and far more vulgar. I say “regard themselves as liberals.” Their behavior is opposite to classical liberalism. Vulgarity is not liberalism. Neither is arson. Neither is suppression of free speech. All of these are now the norm on campuses, in the media, among both students and professors. And among the protesters.

Source: Internal Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries – The Unz Review

Blog: Five festering problems the Democrats cynically ignore

There are at least 4 million illegals in California. It requires a special liberal variety of naivete to believe that none of them vote. Even if none do, they are all counted in the census which determines congressional representation and some federal funding allocations. If only citizens were counted, California would have five fewer congressional seats/electoral votes. Those seats would go to, for example, Ohio (2), Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The Democrats who’ve declared Califronia a sanctuary state know exactly what they are doing.

Source: Blog: Five festering problems the Democrats cynically ignore

The Confluence | The Z Blog

In order for this to work, the Left has always needed victims and oppressors, saints and sinners. In the 20th century, they could champion black civil rights and women’s issues. Then it was onto gays and now foreigners. The trouble is, they are running out of victims to champion. Black guys getting pushed around by rednecks at the polling booth make for sympathetic victims. Mentally unstable men in sundresses wanting access to the girl’s toilet are not good victims. They are ridiculous and championing them makes the champions look ridiculous.

Source: The Confluence | The Z Blog

Articles: What Rights Will the Left Take Away (or Make Up) Next?

As the list demonstrates, nearly every “right” the left imposes actually requires that someone else do something or give up something, foisting a form of servitude on someone else.

Servitude. Slavery. Same thing Democrats have always stood for.

Source: Articles: What Rights Will the Left Take Away (or Make Up) Next?

The sad decline and fall of the Boy Scouts

“As a society, we should have great compassion for children suffering from gender dysphoria while getting them proper counseling and professional help. Instead, the BSA is encouraging and facilitating a recognized mental disorder that has far reaching consequences to the health and safety of children.”

Source: The sad decline and fall of the Boy Scouts

Articles: The Blood Libels of the Left

Falsely accusing mainstream conservatives of being members of the far right is akin to saying the Jews drank the blood of Christian children. Blaming the Berkeley chaos on conservatives is like blaming the Jews for killing Jesus. Such blood libels do not end well for the victims, as charismatic rabble-rousers — whether in the Pale of Settlement or Berkeley, CA — rile up hysterical mobs that scapegoat their misery on the targeted group and ransack on demand.

Rights become malleable or irrelevant in such situations.

Source: Articles: The Blood Libels of the Left