Angels and Demons | The Z Blog

The true believer latches onto a cause, in part, because of a deep belief in magic or the super natural…

…The ruling class of America seems to be particularly prone to belief in the supernatural, despite their alleged love of science and reason. You see this in their obsession with racism. Our betters talk about racism as if it is a demon spirit. The anointed, invested with the spirit of good-think, are tasked with exhorting the rest of us to resist the Dark Lord of Racism. You see it in this post the other day by VD, regarding the hysteria at Duke Divinity School. Anathea Portier-Young sounds like she is organizing an exorcism.

Source: Angels and Demons | The Z Blog

Undocumented Shopping: Legacy of an African President – The Unz Review

The problem is not racist police. It is racist blacks. Whites are not burning the businesses of blacks. White people are not sacking the stores of blacks. White people are not calling for the burning of black suburbs. White people do not play the Knockout game.

We are blaming the victims.

Source: Undocumented Shopping: Legacy of an African President – The Unz Review

Answering the question: Why in the world do [insert name of group] support Democrats?

Stop guaranteeing student loans that flood campuses with money, money that the campuses use, not to improve education, but to ramp up even more their professional Leftist grievance system. And most importantly, stop funding any studies in any liberal arts department.

Source: Answering the question: Why in the world do [insert name of group] support Democrats?

Introducing The People’s Current Truth App!

The People’s Current Truth App™ requires some permissions

· Location

· Pictures

· Texts

· Social Security number

· Bank account

· Access to all other financial assets

· Access to all social media

· 24/7 tracking and surveillance

· Frontal lobe access

· Block inappropriate reading, viewing, and unapproved historical material

Source: Introducing The People’s Current Truth App!

The Bookworm Beat 4/24/17 — “watching as the Left continues circling the drain” edition

Understand that if America is stupid enough to let liberals take power again, they will persecute and prosecute normal Americans like us who dare to dissent. That’s not a guess or a prediction – that’s a commitment they have made to their fascist followers. They’ve seen what the truth can do to their schemes. After 2016, there’s no way they are going to take a chance on another electoral rejection by us normals, so they don’t even pretend to support free speech anymore. It will be one gender neutral being-one vote, one more time, and then never again.

Source: The Bookworm Beat 4/24/17 — “watching as the Left continues circling the drain” edition