Listen to this woman’s 911 call asking for permission to shoot intruders breaking into her home where she was alone with her three month old son.
Source: Moms Demand Answers
Listen to this woman’s 911 call asking for permission to shoot intruders breaking into her home where she was alone with her three month old son.
Source: Moms Demand Answers
[The] spread of Islam by arms is a religious duty upon Muslims in general[.] … Jihad must continue to be done until the whole world is under the rule of Islam[.] … Islam must completely be made over before the doctrine of jihad [warfare to spread Islam] can be eliminated.
“Much of the financial sector that Bernie Sanders had hoped to tax began vanishing as soon as the election results were in. New York’s loss was London and Singapore’s gain. A trillion dollars in investment capital left the United States creating a ripple effect that brought businesses to their knees.”
Source: Sultan Knish: The First Year of President Bernie Sanders
The only way to protect our lives and our freedoms from Muslim terrorism and its consequences is by shutting down Muslim immigration. If we fail to do this, then we will lose our lives and our liberties.
The bombings in Belgium once again remind us that the fanatic is the most serious threat to human civilization. I don’t mean the fanatics who self-detonated in the airport. I mean the fanatics who invited them into the West and now demand that we invite ever more of them into our lands. The bodies are still warm and the open borders fanatics are demanding even more immigration.
Source: True Believers | The Z Blog
Americans are paying money to Islamic terrorists who kill them. They are paying money to their families so that the terrorists know that even if they die, their families will be taken care of by their victims.
Source: Sultan Knish: How US Taxpayers Funded the Murder of an Iraq Vet in Israel
“The paradox of the individualistic society is that it can only exist if individuals embrace virtues that are greater than their own needs and whims. A society where each individual acts as a little tyrant, pursuing his desires with total selfishness at the expense of everyone else becomes collectivist as the little tyrants turn to a series of big tyrants to get what they want no matter who gets hurt by it.”
Source: Sultan Knish: Youmerica
Instead it is working the other way; they are trying to convert a combat force into a support group for thumb-suckers, more concerned with politically correct sensitivities than with winning or staying alive.
Source: Moonbattery » Mandatory Sensitivity Training to Be Inflicted on Marines
Heidi Czerwiec, associate professor of English at the University of North Dakota, demonstrates the correct moonbat reaction to ROTC activities on campus: