Articles: Church, State, and Melania Trump
We have drifted a long way from the Founding Fathers’ clear intent about the relationship between the free exercise of religion and government. People are no longer free to apply their religious beliefs to their businesses, as the vendetta against Hobby Lobby demonstrates. The Obama administration went to court to force the Little Sister of the Poor to provide contraceptive coverage to their workers. Bakers were forced to bake cakes for gay weddings in violation of their religious beliefs.
Happy Birthday To Laura Ingalls Wilder | Adaptive Curmudgeon
“At Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri, the place where Laura and her husband Almanzo Wilder settled in 1894, there is a photograph of the two of them in front of their car. Yes – their car. Ponder that for a moment: Both Laura and Almanzo traveled west as children via covered wagon, they conducted their courtship over Sunday drives in a horse-drawn buggy, and, ultimately, they retraced their journeys on the northern plains — in their 1923 Buick.”
Source: Happy Birthday To Laura Ingalls Wilder | Adaptive Curmudgeon
Phony baloney: The 9 fakest fake-news checkers
One of Snopes’ leading fact-checkers is a former sex-and-fetish blogger who described her routine as smoking pot and posting to, and the company now is embroiled in a legal dispute between its former married founders that includes accusations the CEO used company money for prostitutes.
When you check the ‘fact-checkers’…
Fort Collins Temple at dusk 10/27/2016. Photo by Cruithni.
Blog: Atheist teacher claims to be ‘bullied’ by middle school students
There is no reporting on what precipitated the razzing from students. How do they know she’s an atheist? Almost certainly because she told them. Many atheists use disparaging language to describe the religious beliefs of others, and it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if that were the case here.
Source: Blog: Atheist teacher claims to be ‘bullied’ by middle school students
A Basic Long Gun Primer | Stately McDaniel Manor
Fun Fact: Firing from the hip or waving the muzzle wildly from side to side while emptying a magazine—which looks dramatic and macho in movies–is an excellent way to miss everything you’re trying to hit and hitting everything you’re not trying to hit. This is commonly known as “spray and pray.”
Whatever happened to the idea that dignity is a virtue?
Yes, I know it’s propaganda. But the fact that’s it propaganda actually makes my point. Propaganda’s goal is to reach out to people in the most effective way possible to affect their thinking. In 1944, those who made The Negro Soldier looked at black culture and concluded that the best way to reach out to blacks was to present them, not as hip or cool, not as victims, not as rage-filled revolutionaries, but as people of intellectual and moral substance. Moreover, as I noted above, that approach worked for both blacks and whites who saw the movie.
Source: Whatever happened to the idea that dignity is a virtue?
Jewish virtue signalling about Muslim immigration is suicidal
Historically, refugees have nearly always been primarily comprised of women, children, and the elderly, but the huge crowds of migrants that Merkel admitted into Germany and throughout Europe were largely young males, many from nations not currently war zones. What refugee flees and leaves his women and kids behind?
What kind? Hostile invaders.
Source: Jewish virtue signalling about Muslim immigration is suicidal
DONNELLY: Jerry Brown’s California Legacy is a Dam Failure
But it’s during the seven dry years — the extended drought — that the state should have fixed its water infrastructure, like dams and canals. Brown and his merry band of Democrats had different priorities, like high-speed rail, benefits for illegal aliens, and unsustainable pensions.
Source: DONNELLY: Jerry Brown’s California Legacy is a Dam Failure