Solved: Refugees Settled in Blue States  |  Ricochet

Surely, any cultural differences can be bridged by joint teach-ins. Celebrity liberals and refugees can learn about each other’s culture together. For example, in one lesson, refugees can learn that in southern California, women walking around in public wearing revealing clothing are just expressing their sexual liberty. Celebrity liberals, in turn, can learn that some Muslim men express their sexual liberty by sexually assaulting and robbing scantily clad women, who in the Muslim tradition are almost certainly prostitutes who deserve no mercy. Mutual understanding will no doubt result.

Source: Solved: Refugees Settled in Blue States  |  Ricochet

Monckton’s 10 Steps for Calming Climate Craziness | Climate Scepticism

7. Abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency: The President should exercise his influence over Congress to enact at the earliest opportunity a Bill to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA’s activities run counter to the interstate commerce provisions of the U.S. Constitution, and its functions would be better performed if transferred to the States.

Don’t get me wrong—all the suggestions are great. But #7 would be of the most long-lasting benefit.

Source: Monckton’s 10 Steps for Calming Climate Craziness | Climate Scepticism

[VIDEO] You might feel rather ill watching this man’s Muslim hygiene

Thing Two: The non-Western approach to hygiene and fecal matters has nothing to do with country of national origin, stupidity, or disgusting fetishes. Mahbub Chowdhury, the man in the first story, may have mumbled something about “cultural reasons,” but Robert Spencer accurately identifies what’s going on . . . and it’s not cultural, it’s religious:


Proper hygiene is against their religion.

Source: [VIDEO] You might feel rather ill watching this man’s Muslim hygiene

Betsy DeVos’s qualifications and Oakland’s Illegal Immigrants’ Fund

Progressive challenges to Betsy DeVos’s qualifications as Education Secretary, and Oakland, California’s priorities show what’s wrong with Progressives.

Frankly, if you tell me you are a teacher, my first assumption will be that you are dumber than dirt. I say that from experience with my stepson’s high school teachers.

Source: Betsy DeVos’s qualifications and Oakland’s Illegal Immigrants’ Fund

Sultan Knish: 3 Questions to Keep Future Muslim Terrorists Out of America

The immigrant visa form asks about engaging in and funding terrorism. It does not however specify what a terrorist group is. Muslims define terrorism differently and do not consider many of the Islamic terror groups listed on the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organizations list to be terrorists.

Source: Sultan Knish: 3 Questions to Keep Future Muslim Terrorists Out of America

20 Prozi Questions to the Emperor, Part the Second. | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Also, if every year truly was the hottest year in recorded history, then where are the fucking vineyards that the Romans had in Britain?

And, finally, if CO2 levels and industrialization is to blame, then what, exactly, ended the last Ice Age? Mammoths riding V8s to school?

Oh, and let’s not go into the fact that the AGW cultist’s models can’t even predict past weather if you enter the data from the previous periods into them.

Source: 20 Prozi Questions to the Emperor, Part the Second. | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Ace of Spades HQ

It’s then that you realize that it’s not just the institutional left that yearns to place its boot on your neck, it’s your left-wing neighbors, friends, coworkers and even family. When you see attacks on regular citizens cheered and reinforced by people on Facebook, your worldview changes radically.

You can no longer believe that they don’t really understand what they’re voting for. It becomes clear that they do–they’re voting to turn you into a second class citizen, an “other” who is not due the same rights and courtesies as their exalted tribe of Right Thinkers.

Source: Ace of Spades HQ