We cannot dismiss the campaign to legalize pedophilia as fringy stuff that will get nowhere. It’s real and it’s here and it’s gaining strength.
Media outlets spread the idea. For example, “Good Morning America” recently celebrated an 11-year-old drag queen who danced suggestively on the show and does the same at adult night clubs. The studio audience looked groomed to be a picture of Middle America. They cheered his gyrations on cue, and approvingly.
Brought to you by the Democrat Party and the letters L, B, G, T, Q, and P.
A young paleontologist may have discovered a record of the most significant event in the history of life on Earth.
He recalled the moment of discovery. The first fossil he removed, earlier that summer, was a five-foot-long freshwater paddlefish. Paddlefish still live today; they have a long bony snout, with which they probe murky water in search of food. When DePalma took out the fossil, he found underneath it a tooth from a mosasaur, a giant carnivorous marine reptile. He wondered how a freshwater fish and a marine reptile could have ended up in the same place, on a riverbank at least several miles inland from the nearest sea. (At the time, a shallow body of water, called the Western Interior Seaway, ran from the proto-Gulf of Mexico up through part of North America.) The next day, he found a two-foot-wide tail from another marine fish; it looked as if it had been violently ripped from the fish’s body. “If the fish is dead for any length of time, those tails decay and fall apart,” DePalma said. But this one was perfectly intact, “so I knew that it was transported at the time of death or around then.” Like the mosasaur tooth, it had somehow ended up miles inland from the sea of its origin. “When I found that, I thought, There’s no way, this can’t be right,” DePalma said. The discoveries hinted at an extraordinary conclusion that he wasn’t quite ready to accept. “I was ninety-eight per cent convinced at that point,” he said.
Governments are enthusiastically weaponizing the Leftist trend of sexualizing children, because doing so dramatically increases government power.
What’s terrifying about the child transgender movement is that it’s moved beyond the moral degenerates of the entertainment and media worlds. We’ve now reached the point at which governments are rapidly internalizing it and using it to sever the parent-child bond. Last year in Ohio, parents actually lost custody for not being sufficiently supportive of their daughter’s claimed transgenderism. Currently, in Texas, a father is being told that, if he doesn’t get with his ex-wife’s program of insisting that their six-year-old son wants to be a girl, he will lose any access to his son.
Ladies, you’re free to insist on your rights and privileges all you want. I’ll fully support your right to do so. However, there are men out there – more than a few of them – who regard revealing women’s clothing as an open invitation to make use of what its wearers are advertising. They don’t give a damn about your individuality or your femininity or your freedom of choice. As far as they’re concerned, you’re a “ho” or a “bitch”, and you exist to satisfy their needs. That’s all.
Sharyl: When we talk about what’s the issue with healthcare today, a lot of people say the issue is getting everybody insured. This was not really the approach that you took.
Bartlett: You’re right. I don’t agree with that. I think the solution is getting the cost affordable and I did not take the approach of “insurance for everyone.” I found a lot of waste just with the insurance part.
She began by comparing charges from two different hospitals for similar knee replacements.
Bartlett: And one came in around $30,000 in the other at $105,000. Huge difference. I just kept asking why, why? Well, the implant was much more expensive. Well, can I see the invoice? Can I see what you paid? No, that’s private. You can’t see that. So I couldn’t get to the information. It was frustrating and I couldn’t get to the answers. And one hospital said, well, we don’t really know our costs.
How do you stay in business if you don’t know your costs? You rely on government mandating everyone have insurance. Note that having health insurance does NOT equal having health care.
The health care system was screwed up during WWII when health insurance became a benefit due to wartime wage and price controls. It was further screwed up by Medicare and Medicaid. These are unconstitutional transfer payments that further inflated health care costs. Health insurance should be treated like any other insurance—automobile, homeowner’s, or life. You purchase what you think you need and can afford from private companies. You do not have a right to health insurance, or even health care.
All other world religions make some significant peace claims, but Islam fails to do so. Failure to acknowledge this historical reality means that the Islamophile’s defensive response in support of Islam is not only disproportionate, but is deviant and disordered. Its main goal is to harass the Christians and to disabuse the West of the idea that its Christian and Jewish foundation is valid. Experiencing Christianity as a form of cultural abuse, they wish, in turn, to abuse Christians. Islam is intended as the instrument of that abuse by the non-Islamic Islamophiles.
Islam is NOT a religion. It is a totalitarian political system:
The average number of children of the 2020 Dem field is 1.5. That’s below replacement rate.
By contrast, the Republican primary field average in 2016 was 3.1 Above replacement rate. The most fertile Republican in 2016 had twice as many children as the most fertile Democrat in 2020.
The Dem 2020 candidates have a total of 18 children. The Republican 2016 field had a total of 50.
These demographic snapshots are also philosophical trends. They show that on average, Republican leaders still believe in the future and their Democrat counterparts don’t. The enthusiasm for abortion is mirrored in their own lifestyles and beliefs. The future is doomed.
If we are to look to history for the wrong, let us look to history for the culprits as well. As Deroy Murdock writes in the National Review today, slavery and its associated ills are identifiable with a particular group — Democrats:
. . . As Black History Month draws to a close, it is vital to remember that slavery spread agony across the South under the watchful eyes of Democrats, such as President Andrew Jackson, from the party’s 1828 launch. It was not until 1860’s election of Republican Abraham Lincoln that the final, decisive push toward abolition began. The GOP-led Union Army crushed the Democrat-led Confederacy in 1865. That’s when Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation came into full force, as Republicans freed the slaves.
The Republicans’ Radical Reconstruction empowered newly liberated blacks. Overriding the presidential vetoes of Democrat Andrew Johnson, congressional Republicans pressured southern states to ratify the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing blacks equal protection under law. . . .
After detailing the many sins of Democrats as regards blacks, Murdock concludes:
. . . if Democrats want reparations to atone for their nearly 200 years of anti-black sins, they should finance them. From Barbra Streisand to George Clooney to Tom Steyer to George Soros, the Democratic 1 percenters should shove their billions into a huge pile and then show us the money.
We’ve been having this fight for a while. But this century things have escalated.
They escalated a whole lot after Trump’s win because the network isn’t pretending anymore. It sees the opportunity to delegitimize the whole idea of elections.
Now the network isn’t running the country from cover. It’s actually out here trying to overturn the results of an election and remove the president from office.
It’s rejected the victories of two Republican presidents this century.
There’s only been two, and they’ve rejected both.
This is a civil war between volunteer governments elected by the people and professional governments elected by… well… uh… themselves.
Of the establishment, by the establishment and for the establishment.
We’re in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and leftist professional government.
The pros have made it clear that they’re not going to accept election results anymore. They’re just going to make us do whatever they want. They’re in charge and we better do what they say.
That’s the war we’re in. And it’s important that we understand that.
Because this isn’t a shooting war yet. And I don’t want to see it become one.
Personally I’m preparing for one.
Both sides talk about taking back the country. But who are they taking it back for?
The left uses identity politics. It puts supposed representatives of entire identity groups up front. We’re taking the country back for women and for black people, and so on and so forth…
But nobody elected their representatives.
Identity groups don’t vote for leaders. All the black people in the country never voted to make Shaun King al Al Sharpton their representative. And women sure as hell didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton.
What we have in America is a representative government. A representative government makes freedom possible because it actually represents people, instead of representing ideas.
The left’s identity politics only represents ideas. Nobody gets to vote on them.
That’s because their ideas are so good they have to be forced down our throats.
Susan B. Anthony List President Majorie Dannenfelser said Thursday:
“Every single Democrat in the Senate had the chance that day to take a stand against infanticide, against murder. All but three of them refused. The inhumanity of the modern Democratic Party’s position on abortion has not been exposed. We should be grateful for that. Safe, legal, and rare – that old Clinton way of looking at it is just a distant memory. Safe, legal and rare is not their mantra,” she added. It
Indeed Bill Clinton did say ‘safe, legal, and rare’ on his campaign. But one of his first acts as President was to break that promise. He lifted restrictions on abortion in military hospitals.
This is not making it ‘rare’ and Majorie Dannenfelser should have known this. It was just another Democrat lie. Democrats are Deathocrats.