Is There Any Intellectual Value in ‘Gender Studies’? | National Review

Gender studies is not about trying to understand the world, but is all about trying to change it in certain ways. It doesn’t seek to convey a body of knowledge, but just a set of grievances.

So the answer is ‘no.’ The U.S. needs to follow Hungary in banning such programs in colleges and unversities.

Source: Is There Any Intellectual Value in ‘Gender Studies’? | National Review

Bishop Foys says he was “bullied.”

“We should not have allowed ourselves to be bullied and pressured into making a statement prematurely, and we take full responsibility for it,” Foys wrote in the letter cited by news outlets. “I especially apologize to Nicholas Sandmann and his family, as well as to all CovCath families who have felt abandoned during this ordeal.”  Newsweek

This is embarrassing. A grown man never learned how to deal with bullies. How do you get to be his age without learning to deal with them? Was he from the privileged elite? Went to an elite private school? This bishop (small ‘b’ because he does not deserve the title) thinks he was bullied? Maybe if he knew anything about his faith… maybe if he’d ever read the New Testament… he would know real bullying — the kind experienced by Jesus Christ while on earth. THAT is bullying. And Jesus stood up to it.

This was your flock, bishop Foys! The flock you were supposed to lead and protect. You failed miserably. Because you were ‘bullied’. Please give examples of the bullying you suffered. You are obviously not shepherd material. That’s what a bishop is supposed to be, a shepherd. You are just a paid sheep-herder who flees at the slightest hint of opposition.

Hey bishop Foys, how about you try to follow the example of your Lord and Savior? You are a pathetic excuse for a Catholic, a bishop, a man, and a human being.

Source: Bishop Foys says he was “bullied.”

The White Man’s Burden

A question no one asks, at least not out loud: To what extent are blacks dependent on the charity of whites? What would happen if all public assistance, all programs specifically or de facto for blacks were withdrawn?

What would happen if Section Eight housing were abandoned, Head Start, AFDC, free lunch and breakfasts in inner-city schools, food stamps, and all the rest? I do not recommend doing this–the consequences would be hideous–but do suggest thinking about it. The conclusion will probably be that blacks are in custodial care. If this is not true, tell me why it is not.

I never even thought to ask that. Hmmm…

Source: The White Man’s Burden

From my reading…

On entering the House of Representatives of Washington, one is struck by the vulgar demeanor of that great assembly. The eye frequently does not discover a man of celebrity within its walls. Its members are almost all obscure individuals whose names present no associations to the mind: they are mostly village lawyers, men in trade, or even persons belonging to the lower classes of society. In a country in which education is very general, it is said that the representatives of the people do not always know how to write correctly.

At a few yards’ distance from this spot is the door of the Senate, which contains within a small space a large proportion of the celebrated men of America. Scarcely an individual is to be perceived in it who does not recall the idea of an active and illustrious career: the Senate is composed of eloquent advocates, distinguished generals, wise magistrates, and statesmen of note, whose language would at all times do honor to the most remarkable parliamentary debates of Europe.

What then is the cause of this strange contrast, and why are the most able citizens to be found in one assembly rather than in the other? Why is the former body remarkable for its vulgarity and its poverty of talent, while the latter seems to enjoy a monopoly of intelligence and of sound judgment? Both of these assemblies emanate from the people; both of them are chosen by universal suffrage; and no voice has hitherto been heard to assert, in America, that the Senate is hostile to the interests of the people. From what cause, then, does so startling a difference arise? The only reason which appears to me adequately to account for it is that the House of Representatives is elected by the populace directly, and that the Senate is elected by elected bodies. The whole body of the citizens names the legislature of each state, and the federal Constitution converts these legislatures into so many electoral bodies, which return the members of the Senate. The senators are elected by an indirect application of universal suffrage: for the legislatures which name them are not aristocratic or privileged bodies which exercise the electoral franchise in their own right; but they are chosen by the totality of the citizens; they are generally elected every year, and new members may constantly be chosen who will employ their electoral rights in conformity with the wishes of the public. But this transmission of the popular authority through an assembly of chosen men operates an important change in it, by refining its discretion and improving the forms which it adopts. Men who are chosen in this manner accurately represent the majority of the nation which governs them; but they represent the elevated thoughts which are current in the community, the generous propensities which prompt its nobler actions, rather than the petty passions which disturb, or the vices which disgrace it.

— Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

The 17th Amendment deprived the States of any representation in Congress. Basically we have two Houses of Representatives. And it shows! Liberals always destroy things that work and the Senate hasn’t worked since the 17th Amendment was adopted. Repeal the 17th Amendment.

NPR: How Do We Talk to the Dangerous Idiots Who Disagree With Us? – Washington Free Beacon

NPR is a hotbed of liberal idiocy. The fact that my taxes fund this tripe highly offends me.

I recently graduated with my Bachelor’s in environmental science, and I’m very interested in protecting the environment and teaching others about climate change. I want to know ways in which I can better explain myself to others, just regular people who might not have the education that I have about climate change, because from where I’m standing, it’s blatantly obvious what’s going on, and it just seems like we really need to come together and actually make a change, or there’s going to be a really bad end.

In this paragraph ‘education’ is synonymous with ‘indoctrination’. I would agree with his statement that ‘we need to come together and actually make a change’. The change that needs to be made is for NPR to quit promoting known falsehoods. Here’s another example of the falsehoods promoted by NPR:

Nothing the environmentalists are suggesting would cause harm.

Then why are you waiting for the government to adopt your policies? Just start living your life the way you want the government to force the rest of us to live. Be an example. Go live in a cave.

Source: NPR: How Do We Talk to the Dangerous Idiots Who Disagree With Us? – Washington Free Beacon

An evening with Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin – Bookworm Room

And then Peterson came out with what was (to me) a startling insight: Leftists are drawn to power, not just because it’s the nature of the beast, but because of their relativism. Power negates competence and, for a Leftist, competence is a dangerous reminder that incompetence exists as well.

Leftists have abandoned the Founders’ belief that all humans are created equal in the eyes of the law, even as they maintain their individual differences. Instead, Leftists insist upon a mandate that all people (notwithstanding their insistence on external hallmarks of diversity) must be perceived as identical. This mandate makes the entire idea that incompetence exists untenable — especially because those mostly loudly seeking power may do so because they lack competence in anything other than power seeking.

Interesting notion.

Source: An evening with Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin – Bookworm Room

Male Nurse Arrested After Woman In Vegetative State Gives Birth To Baby Matching His DNA

An Arizona man was arrested on Wednesday and charged with sexually assaulting a 29-year-old woman who’s been in a vegetative state for 14 years.

On Tuesday, Sutherland, who worked at the facility since 2011, surrendered a court-ordered DNA sample to authorities and was subsequently arrested after it was found that his DNA matches the victim’s baby. As noted by KABC-TV, the 36-year-old “was responsible for caring for the victim and had access to her at the time of the incident.”

Wonder if he’s a registered Democrat? They seem to have a thing for rape.

Source: Male Nurse Arrested After Woman In Vegetative State Gives Birth To Baby Matching His DNA

On This Day: My Favorite Mormon is Born.

John Moses Browning.  Born, January 23, 1855. Best known as a prolific inventor and firearms designer. Born in Ogden Utah, from the age of seven, John followed in his father’s footsteps worki…

In 1887, at the age of 32 he took a two year hiatus from his gun work to go on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) in Georgia.


Source: On This Day: My Favorite Mormon is Born.

The Radical End

When you start to tabulate the radical agenda and the ad hoc activity of the Left, the most obvious conclusion is there is little coordination. The people at the top have lost control of the monster they created. They dream of creating a coalition of non-whiles, over which they will preside, so they can control the empire. The trouble is their coalition is always reminding the other side that such an arrangement will be a catastrophe. Again, the Left is mostly just radicalizing white people now.

“Again, the Left is mostly just radicalizing white people now.”


Source: The Radical End