Reparations: The Holy Grail Of Identity Politics (Part II) – Bookworm Room

Part 2 is a short history of slavery.

It requires incredible historic ignorance to condemn our Founding Fathers for owning slaves in the 18th century.  To the contrary, while by today’s standards we see their ownership of slaves as an atrocity, those are today’s standards and not applicable to other historical periods — unless you are a neomarxist proggie who wants to claim faux victimhood status.  The truth is that it was the colonists alive at our Founding who, for the first time in all of human history, began to battle successfully against the institution of slavery as immoral and incompatible with the Jewish and Christian religions.

“Incredible historic ignorance” is exactly what the Democrat Party and the National Education Association are all about. They’ve been incredibly successful at it too.

Source: Reparations: The Holy Grail Of Identity Politics (Part II) – Bookworm Room

Reparations: The Holy Grail Of Identity Politics (Part I) – Bookworm Room

Bookworm is doing a multi-part series on reparations.

Let us begin with the underlying moral and legal principle that each individual is responsible for his or her actions, and the sins of the father are not visited upon the son. This is a principle that first appears in the Bible…

Quote from Ezekiel 18:20 follows.

Before the Enlightenment, British monarchs often violated this moral and legal principle. These monarchs used Bills of Attainder to extort property and impose “corruption of blood.”…

Our Founders thought these acts so repugnant and immoral that they outlawed them — including imposing penalties for infractions only declared criminal by subsequent law (ex post facto laws) in the body of the Constitution itself, both at federal and state law, and for any crime, including treason.

See Article One, Sections 9 and 10, and Article Three, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.

Read the whole article.

Source: Reparations: The Holy Grail Of Identity Politics (Part I) – Bookworm Room

Leftist Hoaxes: A Failure to Understand the Right

This is profoundly dangerous to us all. Because, not knowing us, they cannot understand where the limits are. They’ve been butting up near our maximum levels of tolerance for some time now. Sooner or later, one of them is going to exceed that boundary because he doesn’t even know it’s there, anymore.


Source: Leftist Hoaxes: A Failure to Understand the Right

PC is Jizya


Once upon a time we referred to the doctrines that originated with Mohammed by calling them Mohammedanism, just as we do with Confucianism and Manicheism. Now we call them Islam, “submission.” It is rather as if Muslims started calling Christianity by the English word “charity.”

If this were not about power, then all we should have to do is explain that we sometimes use the names of founders of sects in the terms thereof, and our interlocutors should then say, “Oh, I see; OK, no problem then.” But if they are not willing to do this, then their insistence that we change our parochial behavior to suit them, despite the fact that their objection to our customary practice makes no sense, is, precisely, an exercise of power. It is the linguistic equivalent of their insistence that we not walk our dogs in parks where they are enjoying themselves, or exercise our right of free speech by evangelizing on the street in the vicinity of their public gatherings, or install footbaths in all public restrooms. If this goes on, then at some point, logically, they will be insisting that our women wear the burka, so as not to offend their sensibilities. I mention this absurd result only to demonstrate the absurdity of the premise from which it sprang.…

The question then becomes: ought we to understand our language as the Muslims wrongly understand it, just to coddle their feelings? If we do, we are effectually submitting to them, and the submission is a type of jizya.

The very same thing is proceeding, along a different vector, with the feminization of English. E.g., eliminating “waiter” and “chairman” in favor of “waitperson” and “chair,” bowdlerizing Scripture, rewriting poems and hymns, changing quotations of eminent thinkers, on and on.…

I have duly renamed my Islamic links to Mohammedanism links and will use the spellings ‘Moslem’ and ‘Koran’ from now on.

Source: PC is Jizya

Mom gives birth, then claims she’s actually father – WND

Not sure who’s more insane, this woman, or the government of Great Britain.

The woman, identified only at TT, has sued the Registrar General at the High Court so that she can be “recognized” as the child’s father, or “parent,” according to the Christian Institute.

There is a legal requirement that the mother of a child be listed on the child’s birth certificate as the mother.

But the woman, who already has used the law to change her designated sex to male, objects.

Source: Mom gives birth, then claims she’s actually father – WND

How Dumb Is Ocasio-Cortez?

“You know, I think it’s really important that we understand that we need to invest in our economy, but we need to invest in our people, and to give away $3 billion to a company that has a history of worker exploitation that’s paying below what the cost of New York City is not acceptable for us.”

Of course, New York wasn’t going to “give” Amazon anything, let alone $3 billion. The $3 billion is an estimate of foregone tax revenues. In other words, money that Amazon won’t pay New York, not money that New York will pay Amazon. This is childishly simple, but apparently too much for AOC:

My guess is that she is a beneficiary of ‘affirmative action’. That’s the only explanation why somebody this ignorant can claim a degree in ECONOMICS!

Source: How Dumb Is Ocasio-Cortez?

And Just Like That, The Smollett Story Begins to Unravel

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. Smollett, two others in “active interviews” with Chicago police; Evidence of police “slow play” emerging. That story about …

A source familiar with the records provided by the Empire star states that Smollett downloaded his phone activity into a spreadsheet and then deleted certain phone calls before handing over the records. “He did the [detectives’] job for them because then they only had to focus on the numbers he deleted.”

Source: And Just Like That, The Smollett Story Begins to Unravel

Pelosi threat: Democrats could declare national emergency to enact gun control

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said President Trump’s plan to use a national emergency declaration to unilaterally provide federal funding for a border wall would set a precedent Republicans may come to regret.

Democrats, she said, could use it later to enact their own priorities, such as increasing gun control

And that would cause the national emergency as my guns would be ‘weapons free’ and ‘shoot on sight.’

Democrats are enemies of the Constitution and the U. S. of A.

Source: Pelosi threat: Democrats could declare national emergency to enact gun control

Wreck of WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet discovered in South Pacific

The research vessel Petrel, owned by the estate of late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, discovered the Hornet three miles under the ocean surface off the Solomon Islands.

Richard Nowatzki, now 95, was an 18-year-old gunner on the Hornet, and watched via remote camera link as the remote sub discovered his old station at a gun turret.

‘If you go down to my locker, there’s 40 bucks in it, you can have it!’ he told CBS News.

Source: Wreck of WWII aircraft carrier USS Hornet discovered in South Pacific

H/T: Antz-in-Pantz