What I’d like to write to my child’s teacher about his gun control advocacy in class

“The first reason is that, unlike freedom of speech, which is a generalized right, the right to bear arms is specifically and absolutely articulated: it “shall not be infringed.” Although we’ve long recognized that government can, in fact, infringe on this right, the standard to do so is incredibly high.

“The second reason the gun control argument cannot reach the high constitutional standard for imposing strict limitations on gun rights is because it forgets that guns don’t just take lives, they also save lives. Until one produces an accurate risk-benefit analysis, showing that more people die because of guns than are saved by them, one cannot meet the constitutional standard for infringing on the right to bear arms.”

Source: What I’d like to write to my child’s teacher about his gun control advocacy in class

Are members of our military the most romantic people in America?

“My theory is that this is because military men are (a) romantics and (b) sufficiently certain that, just by enlisting, they’ve proved their manliness. Expressing love for a woman is an extension of their personality without exposing them to the risk of losing their “man card.”Meanwhile, liberal men already have a very tenuous grip at best on their man cards. Getting mushy about their wives might be something these publicly ardent “homophiles” (“I love gays, even thought I’m not one myself of course”) fear is “too gay” for them.”

Source: Are members of our military the most romantic people in America?