“Planned Parenthood is evidently so averse to living babies, they’re calling in HazMat teams to clean up baby food.”
Source: No joke: Planned Parenthood evacuated due to unknown substance: Baby Food | Poor Richard’s News
“Planned Parenthood is evidently so averse to living babies, they’re calling in HazMat teams to clean up baby food.”
Source: No joke: Planned Parenthood evacuated due to unknown substance: Baby Food | Poor Richard’s News
“And for those who roll their eyes at the mention of slippery slopes when it comes to this ruling, our president, his administration and members of the judicial, academic, and media elite and their vast bureaucracies are now robbing children of their God-given, biological identity.”
“With the Second Amendment taking pride of place in this year’s election, I’ve consolidated these well-honed arguments into ten easy-to-read essays and published them in a very short (63 page) ebook, Our Second Amendment Rights In Ten Essays. If you act before Friday, May 27, you can get the book for free.” (emphasis added)
Source: [FREE BOOK] Our Second Amendment Rights in Ten Essays
“In his last days in office, President Obama ordered that all federal buildings be equipped with litter boxes…”
Source: Squids and the Inner Light of Being – The Unz Review
“We are now told we must accept as true when a naked bearded guy with a full erection stands in a women’s college locker room and announces that he’s a woman and, moreover, that he’s not sporting an erection but is, instead, growing flowers.”
Source: The challenges of talking about rape in a post-modern, post-rational age
“Well, then they should go back to school. Academia? Now, there’s a hotbed of idiocy. … We live in America. That’s our entire culture. Our culture is a blend. It isn’t split up into groups. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool – worse than a fool – a dangerous fool.”
Source: Blog: White R&B star on ‘cultural appropriation’: ‘Shut the f— up’