“In his last days in office, President Obama ordered that all federal buildings be equipped with litter boxes…”
Source: Squids and the Inner Light of Being – The Unz Review
“In his last days in office, President Obama ordered that all federal buildings be equipped with litter boxes…”
Source: Squids and the Inner Light of Being – The Unz Review
“We are now told we must accept as true when a naked bearded guy with a full erection stands in a women’s college locker room and announces that he’s a woman and, moreover, that he’s not sporting an erection but is, instead, growing flowers.”
Source: The challenges of talking about rape in a post-modern, post-rational age
“Well, then they should go back to school. Academia? Now, there’s a hotbed of idiocy. … We live in America. That’s our entire culture. Our culture is a blend. It isn’t split up into groups. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool – worse than a fool – a dangerous fool.”
Source: Blog: White R&B star on ‘cultural appropriation’: ‘Shut the f— up’
“Six months from now, being #nevertrump is going to be the mark of Cain, regardless of the election outcome. If Trump loses conservatives will blame these traitors for the defeat. If Trump wins, the #nevertrump loons will be packed off to the labor camps. Well, we can dream.”
Source: The Faceberg Six | The Z Blog
“Fifteen years later, our airports are grinding to a halt because TSA can’t perform its one job, which is to molest people before they enter the terminal.”
Source: Send in the Clowns | The Z Blog
Including info on how they have to recruit because no one is ‘born’ that way, as proved by the current LGBT issues concerning ‘self-identification’, ie, choice.
“Thermidor Humans cannot live forever in a fervor of holy [SJW] rage; eventually the tension breaks and they fall back into a more normal life. But the solution typically involves a dictator, nationalism, and foreign conquest.”
Source: Articles: Get a Clue, Navel Gazers. It’s Thermidor Time