Sure to trigger some SJWs.
The Unmade Bed and the Fall of Civilization
I didn’t make my bed, and as I drove away from home, I remembered it and felt a pang of guilt. It’s not the end of the world, I rationalized. How many people actually take the time to make their beds, anyway? I haven’t always been good about it, it’s just that I realized I like that small spot of order in an otherwise chaotic, uncontrollable world. I might not be able to predict the course of my morning commute, but at least my bedcovers are smooth and inviting when I finally return home.
Progressives are engaged in a “de-civilizing process” that will end badly – Bookworm Room
Everything Progressives do is part of a de-civilizing process that will plunge us back into the cruelty and murder that make up humankind’s natural state…
I’m going to interject here something that neither Pinker nor Elias address. Or at least, Pinker, who summarizes Elias (and I haven’t read Elias myself) doesn’t mention raise two issues I think also affected violence in pre-modern times. There were two constants in the pre-modern era: youthfulness and drunkenness. People were young because they didn’t live to see old age. Few people lived past their 40s. Moreover, because urban water was not potable, people in tight medieval quarters drank only beer or wine. In other words, the medieval world was a time in which most people were young and drunk. It was like perpetually living among 18-to-25-year-old junkies.
The world started “civilizing” in earnest when coffee and tea entered Western civilization, because those drinks required boiled water. Nobody understood germ theory, but they did quickly figure out that, if you drank tea or coffee, you were imbibing a non-alcoholic beverage that did not kill. Interestingly, the coffee and tea culture took off with a bang in England which — perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not — was Ground Zero for the “civilizing process.”
Now, back to Pinker’s discussion…
I find the coffee and tea theory interesting. Read the whole post.
Source: Progressives are engaged in a “de-civilizing process” that will end badly – Bookworm Room
The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha
Last week a congressman embarrassed himself on Twitter. He got into a debate about gun control, suggested a mandatory buyback—which is basically confiscation…
You really hate us, and then act confused why we want to keep our guns? But I don’t think unrelenting total war against everyone who has ever disagreed with you on Facebook is going to be quite as clean as you expect.
There will be no secure delivery of ammo, food, and fuel, because the guys who build that, grow that, and ship that, well, you just dropped a Hellfire on his cousin Bill because he wouldn’t turn over his SKS. Fuck you. Starve. And that’s assuming they don’t still make the delivery but the gas is tainted and food is poisoned.
Oh wait… Poison? That would be unsportsmanlike! Really? Because your guy just brought up nuclear weapons. What? You think that you’re going to declare war on half of America, with rules of engagement that would make Genghis Khan blush, and my side would keep using Marquis of Queensbury rules?
Oh hell no.
A friend of mine who is a political activist said something interesting the other day, and that was for most people on the left political violence is a knob, and they can turn the heat up and down, with things like protests, and riots, all the way up to destruction of property, and sometimes murder… But for the vast majority of folks on the right, it’s an off and on switch. And the settings are Vote or Shoot Fucking Everybody. And believe me, you really don’t want that switch to get flipped, because Civil War 2.0 would make Bosnia look like a trip to Disneyworld.
I expect that switch will be flipped before I die. That’s why I invest in precious metals like copper, brass, and lead.
Source: The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha
An Argument on Why You Can Bang Married Liberal Women
The complete abdication of morals, virtue, morality and certainly family kind of calls into question the validity of any leftist people getting married. You’re OK with stealing people’s money. You mock and ridicule religions (where marriage hails from). You’re against nuclear families. And you love the state over individuals. What moral obligation do people have to honor the marriages of liberal people?
Indeed. OTOH, who would want to? Liberals are mentally ill and violent. Also liberal women are ugly.
Source: An Argument on Why You Can Bang Married Liberal Women
Eric Idle: “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” | Talks at Google
If I were the devil | remastered audio | Paul Harvey
Do We Need to Decolonize Thanksgiving?
I like her deployment of the Spoiled We. Not the Royal We, the Spoiled We. Because when she says we could “feed the Natives,” she means “someone else, definitely not me, could feed the Natives.”
The Left’s cruelty – an ideology without room for repentance – Bookworm Room
Leftism is just another faith, but it’s more cruel than the Judeo-Christian tradition as its creed does not recognize remorse, repentance, and redemption.
Source: The Left’s cruelty – an ideology without room for repentance – Bookworm Room
E-Mail to a Liberal Professor
The phrase “white heterosexual male” has become a popular term of demonization in the rhetoric of the Left, and you cannot expect white men to enjoy being assigned the role of Emmanuel Goldstein in this 21st-century version of Orwell’s dystopia. If the reaction of white men to being scapegoated is sometimes irrational and violent, this is to be lamented, but the irrationality of their reaction doesn’t mean that they are incorrect in their perception, or that they are wrong to be angry about being unfairly demonized as “privileged” by the college-educated Left.
How is the ordinary working-class white man, toiling in a low-status job to support himself and his family, “privileged” in any meaningful way? And how is it that the people accusing him of “privilege” are almost exclusively members of the college-educated elite? The average salary of a law professor at the University of California is over $270,000, whereas the median household income in Wisconsin is $66,432. Is the working man in Sheboygan more “privileged” than you, Professor Williams?
Read the whole email.
Source: E-Mail to a Liberal Professor