Kritocracy Then Chaos

To continue the metaphor, the virus has jumped the quarantine and now the entire system is showing signs of infection. For two years the Trump administration has been plagued with federal judges who just make up rulings out of thin air. In many cases they are ruling on behalf of plaintiffs who have no standing in the court. In other cases, they are simply making up legal theories so bizarre they would get a first year law student dismissed from school on mental health grounds. The Federal bench is in revolt against the rule of law.

In this particular case, the law is clear. It’s not just US law, but international law. There is a legal process for applying for asylum. No country is required to accept anyone who does not follow the procedures. US law is crystal clear on the issue, yet this judge is making up law that is direct conflict with black letter law. This is no less deranged than if the judge stood up, stripped off his clothes and declared he is an invisible chicken and that everyone in the court must cluck in worship to him. This judge is not mentally fit.

Source: Kritocracy Then Chaos

Saith the Lord

Isaiah 48:22

There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked.

Democrats certainly aren’t very peaceful. They are full of rage and anger because they know they are wicked.

The Harvard Classics

Let’s face it. What is taught in schools — K-12 through college — is not education. It’s job training. And not very good job training at that!

Do it yourself:

The Harvard Classics is a 51-volume Great Books list, compiled and edited by Harvard University president Charles W. Eliot in 1909. All volumes are now in the public domain. Free pdf versions (and other formats) are available at A complete list of volumes and links is supplied below.

Of interest is Dr. Eliot’s suggestion that a superior education can be gained by reading from this list for only 15 minutes a day.

Source: The Harvard Classics

The tenuously United States of America

America is barely a country at this point, defined only by its federal state. It is not a nation, lacking cohesion or commonality: we fight over history, the Constitution, the Electoral College and other constitutional mechanisms, immigration and birthright citizenship, not to mention sex, race, class, and sexuality. This utter politicization of American society — a Progressive triumph — is unsustainable over time.

Source: The tenuously United States of America

Fulfilling the social contract

A government can break the social contract in several ways. It can interfere with the process by which the people choose the laws by which they are governed. It can violate those laws itself. It can exploit the people by extracting wealth from them in excess of its needs and enriching insiders. It can fail to protect its population.

Every Democrat policy breaks the social contract.

Source: Fulfilling the Social Contract

I left my husband because he couldn’t sexually satisfy me

“Over time, I became incredibly resentful. Try as he might to convince me that it wasn’t me, I took every rejection as a blow to my womanhood. I’d go out for drinks with my girlfriends who would whine about how much their partners pestered them for sex. It seemed like they just had to roll over in bed for their men to be up for it and here I was, night after night, lying there in tears and praying that he’d touch me.”

In my case I was praying that she would touch me. Sigh… Yep, we divorced after almost three decades.

Source: I left my husband because he couldn’t sexually satisfy me

Leftists Are the Attackers, Not the Victims

The word “liberal” implies a live-and-let-live attitude.  The truth is that liberals (leftists) are laser-focused on using Big Brother government to force their far-out minority ideas on mainstream Americans.  The leftist media mafia publicly shames mainstream Americans into silence, banning publicly speaking the truth about leftists’ sacred-cow issues.  Homosexuals are 1-2% of the population.  Transgenders are 0.3%.  It is un-American to allow a handful of LGBT activists to bully us into silence and submission.

Thugs. All of them.

Source: Leftists Are the Attackers, Not the Victims


Yesterday I posted asking if anyone knows what happened to Macker. Not having heard from him in a while I emailed a couple/three of weeks ago but got no answer. So yesterday I did some digging. Tur…

I never met Macker in person. We became acquainted through the blog Barking Moonbat Early Warning System – founded by Vilmar and the late Skipper – and had corresponded during his move to Arizona some years ago. We had a love of obscure science-fiction movies in common. I lost track of him during my own divorce and subsequent relocation. Godspeed Macker.

Source: R.I.P. MACKER