Snowflake Loses Court Case Forcing Parents to Cough Up College Tuition | MRCTV

She hadn’t talked to her folks in two years, but that didn’t stop her from taking them to court and trying to legally force them to cough up a pile of dough for her expensive, completely voluntary out-of-state school fees.

If I were a guy, I’d stay clear of this snowflake. If this is what she did to the parents, the mind boggles at what she’d do to you.

Source: Snowflake Loses Court Case Forcing Parents to Cough Up College Tuition | MRCTV

FrontPage Magazine – How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?

As a strictly legal matter, the Jews didn’t take Palestine from the Arabs; they took it from the British, who exercised sovereign authority in Palestine under a League of Nations mandate for thirty years prior to Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948. And the British don’t want it back.

No such thing as a ‘palestinian.’

Source: FrontPage Magazine – How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?

Articles: The Perils of Religious Romanticism

In that way of thinking, the purification of the German natural environment required the elimination of defiling, alien human elements such as the Jews, leading ultimately to the Holocaust.  A similar extremism can be found among those environmentalists today who seriously entertain the idea of taking drastic measures to reduce human population in order to preserve the natural world.

Source: Articles: The Perils of Religious Romanticism

Articles: What Rights Will the Left Take Away (or Make Up) Next?

As the list demonstrates, nearly every “right” the left imposes actually requires that someone else do something or give up something, foisting a form of servitude on someone else.

Servitude. Slavery. Same thing Democrats have always stood for.

Source: Articles: What Rights Will the Left Take Away (or Make Up) Next?

VIDEO: @BenShapiro Destroys University Student’s Bogus Transgender Ideology : The Other McCain

“I’m 22, so I’m probably a little bit naive, right?”

“No,” he continued. “Why aren’t you 60? Why aren’t you 60? Why can’t you identify as 60? What is the problem with you identifying as 60?”

“It’s not the same as gender,” the young woman countered. “You can’t just…”

“You’re right!” Shapiro shot back. “You can’t magically change your gender. You can’t magically change your sex. You can’t magically change your age.”

Source: VIDEO: @BenShapiro Destroys University Student’s Bogus Transgender Ideology : The Other McCain

We Need A Tom Doniphon | The Z Blog

All the blather about America being a nation of laws is just cover for the fact that ours is a lawless nation ruled by lawless men. An obvious example is the Ninth Circuit judges, who have fabricated a legal justification for throwing sand in the gears of a wildly popular executive order issued by President Trump. These are not men enforcing the law or respecting the laws. These are men who hold the law in contempt. All that matters to them is obedience to the weird secular cult we have come to call Progressivism.

Source: We Need A Tom Doniphon | The Z Blog

The sad decline and fall of the Boy Scouts

“As a society, we should have great compassion for children suffering from gender dysphoria while getting them proper counseling and professional help. Instead, the BSA is encouraging and facilitating a recognized mental disorder that has far reaching consequences to the health and safety of children.”

Source: The sad decline and fall of the Boy Scouts