Muslim Students Demand Special Prayer Room, School Wipes Grin Off Their Faces

Unlike any other religion, culture, or ideology, Islam has conquered over 50 countries through migration, birth rate, conversion, and the slaughter of over 270 million in just 1,400 years. The fairly young religion is an expert at establishing Sharia governances that push out religious minorities. However, they have had much more success through political correctness.

It is not a religion; it a fascist, totalitarian political movement for misogynist, immature men. It should be banned and wiped off the earth.

Source: Muslim Students Demand Special Prayer Room, School Wipes Grin Off Their Faces

Sultan Knish: Islam’s Violence is Rooted in Instability

Western societies seek to settle permanently. They plan for the long term. Nomadic tribals burn through resources, viewing cities and institutions as assets to strip, raid and dispose of, before moving on. The Islamic migration is not a new phenomenon and Europe is not meant to be its stopping point.

Source: Sultan Knish: Islam’s Violence is Rooted in Instability

The Bookworm Beat 6/10/16 — the “escape from the family” edition

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Source: The Bookworm Beat 6/10/16 — the “escape from the family” edition

A perfect description…

… of Obama and all Democrats, those elected, and those who support and vote for them.

Psalm 36: 2-5 (NAB)

2. Sin directs the heart of the wicked man;
his eyes are closed to the fear of God.

3. For he lives with the delusion:
his guilt will not be known and hated.

4. Empty and false are the words of his mouth;
he has ceased to be wise and do good.

5. On his bed he hatches plots;
he sets out on a wicked way;
he does not reject evil.