Rock strata dating suggests planetary orbital effects on climate | Watts Up With That?

“The impact of astronomical cycles on climate can be quite large,” explains Meyers, noting as an example the pacing of the Earth’s ice ages, which have been reliably matched to periodic changes in the shape of Earth’s orbit, and the tilt of our planet on its axis. “Astronomical theory permits a very detailed evaluation of past climate events that may provide an analog for future climate.”

Source: Rock strata dating suggests planetary orbital effects on climate | Watts Up With That?

Essential Knowledge: Part VI | The Z Blog

The fall of the Western Roman Empire used to be thought of as a collapse of civilization, leaving a great void into which swarmed barbarians. Out of the rubble, the people of Europe slowly rebuilt civilization into what we think of as the Middle Ages. The reality is the fall of Rome was a process. Roman rule was replaced by something else, something local and indigenous.

Zman’s ‘Essential Knowledge’ posts are full of links to good books for your continuing education.

Source: Essential Knowledge: Part VI | The Z Blog

Sultan Knish: Savages of Stockholm

Some people would call that savagery, but that sort of talk is politically incorrect. And we all know that there are no such things as savages. The true savages are the people who use scientific principles to make cars and then use the money to commission paintings of soaring eagles for museums because they are greedy exploiters of the planet. On the other hand, the noble savages whose herds of sheep and goats turn fertile land into desert, who burned the great libraries of civilization and who believe that the hair of women emits rays that passing airplanes have to be protected from are close to nature.

Source: Sultan Knish: Savages of Stockholm

Justice and “Social Justice” Are Two Very Different Things | Mises Wire

Americans cannot have both liberty and this type of social justice — under whose aegis one can assert rights to be provided education and health care, not to mention food, housing, etc. Positive rights to receive such things, absent an obligation to earn them, must violate others’ liberty, because a government must take citizens’ resources without their consent to fund them. Providing such government benefits for some forcibly violates others’ rights to themselves and their property.

Source: Justice and “Social Justice” Are Two Very Different Things | Mises Wire

Internal Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries – The Unz Review

For whatever reason, those who regard themselves as liberals are far more given to demonstrating and rioting than conservatives, and far more vulgar. I say “regard themselves as liberals.” Their behavior is opposite to classical liberalism. Vulgarity is not liberalism. Neither is arson. Neither is suppression of free speech. All of these are now the norm on campuses, in the media, among both students and professors. And among the protesters.

Source: Internal Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries – The Unz Review

Articles: K-12 Quagmire: Problems with Sight-Words

Every language is either a sound-language such as English or a picture-language such as Chinese. They are opposites. You cannot mix them without creating mental chaos. But what do you know? Our public schools insist on mixing them together. This is dogma in today’s K-12.

Most Americans have heard of “balanced literacy.” That’s jargon for mixing them together.

Source: Articles: K-12 Quagmire: Problems with Sight-Words

Blog: Five festering problems the Democrats cynically ignore

There are at least 4 million illegals in California. It requires a special liberal variety of naivete to believe that none of them vote. Even if none do, they are all counted in the census which determines congressional representation and some federal funding allocations. If only citizens were counted, California would have five fewer congressional seats/electoral votes. Those seats would go to, for example, Ohio (2), Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The Democrats who’ve declared Califronia a sanctuary state know exactly what they are doing.

Source: Blog: Five festering problems the Democrats cynically ignore

Articles: How to Tell if News Is Really News

Wake up, America! You’re being had. Start asking the right questions. How did the Democrats come up with that 40,000,000 uninsured Americans to pass Obamacare? When CNN’s Don Lemon asks his panel about how much the Trump family’s secret service is costing taxpayers, ask him where’s his research and why didn’t he question that about Michele Obama’s huge entourage when she traveled?

Source: Articles: How to Tell if News Is Really News

The Confluence | The Z Blog

In order for this to work, the Left has always needed victims and oppressors, saints and sinners. In the 20th century, they could champion black civil rights and women’s issues. Then it was onto gays and now foreigners. The trouble is, they are running out of victims to champion. Black guys getting pushed around by rednecks at the polling booth make for sympathetic victims. Mentally unstable men in sundresses wanting access to the girl’s toilet are not good victims. They are ridiculous and championing them makes the champions look ridiculous.

Source: The Confluence | The Z Blog