Articles: Human Rights, Defined Correctly

Natural rights have four main features:

•They are universal (they apply to everyone, everywhere);

•They are unchanging (they stay the same, from generation to generation);

•They are unalienable (they cannot be taken away by a government);

•They are negative (they are the right to not be killed, the right to not be physically restrained, the right to not be robbed, and so on).

They do NOT include rights to things that must be supplied by others; housing, healthcare, food, education, etc. Or respect. You have no right to my respect.

Source: Articles: Human Rights, Defined Correctly

Sultan Knish: Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?

And unlike the members of every other major American religion who don’t believe that they are under a current obligation by their deity to slaughter heathens and infidels– Muslims still think they’re on a mission from Allah to force the world to live by the rules set down by an illiterate 7th century warlord whose idea of a friendly greeting was ‘Aslim Taslam’, or in the latin, “Convert to My Religion and I Won’t Kill You”.

Source: Sultan Knish: Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?

Sultan Knish: Are We Refugeed Out Yet?

Iraq is a failed state. Before we intervened, it was held together by torture, terror and genocide. Now the only things holding it together are torture, terror and genocide. We should take Christian refugees fleeing the Muslim conflicts in that country, but we should not import its Islamic culture of violence.

America has done far more than its share. We have opened our doors to Iraqi refugees. And in return, the people of this land were exposed to terror and horrific refugee crimes. Enough is enough.

Source: Sultan Knish: Are We Refugeed Out Yet?

Sergeant Stubby – Wikipedia

Scheduled for release in spring of 2018, Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero is an upcoming animated feature-length film. The film features the voices of Gérard Depardieu and Helena Bonham Carter and is directed by former Disney and DreamWorks animator Daniel St. Pierre, with music by Academy Award nominee Patrick Doyle. It has also been endorsed as an official project of the United States World War I Centennial Commission.

Sergeant Stubby, the most decorated dog of World War I.

Source: Sergeant Stubby – Wikipedia

Blog: Rachel Dolezal has become a nightmare for the ‘transgender’ fantasists

It is solely for ideological reasons that the Left has adopted transgenderism as a pet cause. They want to destroy the natural family and legitimize every permutation and combination of sexual activity, destroying biblically based norms.

Source: Blog: Rachel Dolezal has become a nightmare for the ‘transgender’ fantasists