Spotting the wild Fascist

The Fascist theory was of a unitary, totalizing state ruled by a leader acting as the embodiment of the will of the nation. No power centers in opposition to the embodied will can be tolerated; church, family, education, and civic institutions must all become organs of that will.

One way to tell if you’re dealing with an actual Fascist is whether your subject has that theory of state power. If he doesn’t, you might be dealing with (say) a garden variety conservative-militarist strongman like Admiral Horthy in Hungary. Rulers like that will kill you if you look like a political threat, but they’re not invested in totalitarianizing their entire society.

Source: Spotting the wild Fascist

This Plane Accidentally Flew Around The World

The morning of 6th January 1942 was going to be a cold one. Not that this was unusual for New York, mused the night-shift air controller at LaGuardia’s tower, but it did mean he’d have to wrap up…

* * *

“In the event that you are required to open and read these instructions, you may assume that hostilities have already occurred and that the aircraft under your command represents a strategic military resource which must be protected and secured from falling into enemy hands…”

A three-part series. Fascinating.

Hollywood, why isn’t this a movie?

Source: This Plane Accidentally Flew Around The World – Part One

Source: The Long Way Round: Ice Cold in Auckland – Part Two

Source: The Long Way Round: Getting Home – Part Three

WATCH: Armed intruders scatter when homeowner opens fire – WND

It’s another case of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun — this time, it’s actually four bad guys with guns — and it’s all caught on camera. Security video has been released showing four armed intruders breaking into a residence at the Country-Living Estates Mobile Home Park in Bowling Green, Kentucky, last Wednesday night just before midnight.

When seconds count, police are only minutes away…

Source: WATCH: Armed intruders scatter when homeowner opens fire – WND

Et tu WordPress?

I can see that I will not be renewing my blog with WordPress. I do not support such deplatforming bullies. Notice that WordPress doesn’t actually mention what ‘terms of service’ justified the silencing of a perfectly decent blog. This is a violation of the 1st Amendment. But Islam and moslems don’t respect the Constitution. Neither does WordPress.

WordPress, thy name is ‘Dhimmitude.’



dhim·​mi | \ ˈdimē\
variants: or less commonly zimmi
plural dhimmis or dhimmi also zimmis or zimmi

Definition of dhimmi

: a person living in a region overrun by Muslim conquest who was accorded a protected status and allowed to retain his or her original faith
Allowed to ‘retain’ but not allowed to practice his original faith. Or, as WordPress demonstrates, not allowed to engage in his original freedoms.
  • dhimmitude(Noun)

    appeasement towards Islamic demands

The WordPress ‘terms of service’ appear to include protecting the murderous followers of the pedophile prophet from criticism. WordPress demonstrates exactly the ‘creeping sharia’ documented by the blog they silenced. Well done, WordPress.


Crazy People Are Dangerous

See, if you advocate locking up teenage dopeheads as juvenile delinquents, you’re racist or something. If you advocate locking up these maladjusted weirdos in psychiatric wards, you’re stigmatizing mental illness. Disapproving of sexual perversion makes you guilty of transphobia. Instead, now everyone is required to celebrate diversity and inclusion, which means keeping the drug-addled misfits in public high school and interpreting their unpopularity as “bullying,” because how dare your normal teenager not want to hang out with a couple of losers like this? And then one day, the freaks decide it would be really cool to shoot up the school more or less randomly. which then becomes an argument for (a) gun control and (b) more “anti-bullying” policies to protect deranged misfits from social disapproval.

Source: Crazy People Are Dangerous

Fifty Years of Apocalyptic Global Warming Predictions and Why People Believe Them

You may have noticed that nearly all of the doomsday theories seem to begin with the phrase, “if current trends continue.” But, as I have just reviewed, current trends don’t continue. Global temperatures go down, then up, then stay flat. Population growth tapers off, new oil reserves are discovered, agricultural yields increase at even higher rates. Doomsday forecasters always overestimate gloomy trends and underestimate human ingenuity in problem solving.

Source: Fifty Years of Apocalyptic Global Warming Predictions and Why People Believe Them

A new and deeply meaningful rite of passage

We have a new United States citizen. This guy did it right despite some government stupidity:

When I met Miss D. in 2009, she encouraged me to pursue the matter, and after we married, I did so – only to run into a bureaucratic roadblock.  You see, the USCIS (which handles citizenship applications) wanted five years worth of tax returns, to prove I was paying my fair share towards our nation.  However, because my income had been workers-compensation-related for several years (and thus not taxable), I hadn’t met the minimum taxable income threshold that requires one to submit a tax return.  This did not satisfy USCIS, unfortunately – no tax returns, no citizenship!

I therefore approached the IRS and asked to file amended tax returns for the appropriate period, only to be told that this would be a waste of that agency’s time and resources (because I still wouldn’t owe any tax, after all), and therefore I should not do so.

See? Government idiocy. He waited five more years, filing the appropriate tax returns.

Becoming a US citizen will be a very solemn, moving moment for me.  I take the oath of allegiance very seriously.  I’ve already sworn part of it when taking the oath of federal law enforcement office as a prison chaplain, well over a decade ago.  The citizenship ceremony will add to that an abjuration of any and all previous loyalties.  In that sense, it’ll be a final, formal, legal and official severing of my ties to South Africa, where I’d spent almost two-thirds of my life so far.

An immigrant who did it right. A successful author whose books look interesting and are now on my ‘to buy and read’ list. Welcome, Peter Grant!

Source: A new and deeply meaningful rite of passage

The So-Called Equality Act: Making Some Americans More Equal than Others

Every totalitarian system has used the tactic of coercing people to affirm the regime’s agenda, even when they disagree.  Forcing people to mouth politically correct dogmas that they know are false is designed to break their spirit and their resistance.  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said the worst aspect of Communist totalitarianism was not the economic poverty or the lack of political rights; it was being forced to repeat the regime’s lies: “The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.”

There is no evil that Democrats won’t support and force upon us.

Source: The So-Called Equality Act: Making Some Americans More Equal than Others

‘Very Fine People on Both Sides’ | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.

This is simply false. Trump’s comment about “very fine people on both sides” referred to the controversy over Lee’s statue, and not to anyone “spreading hate.” On the same day the rally happened, Trump made a public statement lamenting “the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia,” and condemning “in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence.” He continued: “It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society.… I just got off the phone with the governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, and we agree that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now.” Three days later, when Trump took questions at the White House, reporters repeatedly asked him for further comment. You can read the entire transcript of that press conference, and see that the president specified he was speaking of the Lee statue when he said there were “very fine people on both sides” of the dispute. Furthermore, Trump asked, if memorials to Lee and other Confederates were now subject to destruction, “I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after?”

Indeed, such controversies are not moot speculation: Radical students at Hofstra University insist that a statue of Jefferson be removed from their campus, and at George Washington University, campus activists assert that the “Colonials” nickname of the school’s sports teams is “extremely offensive” and “glorifies the act of systemic oppression.” What is apparent from such claims is, first of all, that America’s schools have failed to properly teach history, and second, that we are living in an era of frightening radicalism, in which ignorance and rage walk hand-in-hand. As tragedies like Charlottesville demonstrate, political polarization is dangerous. And as Joe Biden’s remarks demonstrate, there are unscrupulous politicians who seek selfish advantage from this polarization.

I didn’t see any ‘right-wingers’ at Charlottesville. I saw two flavors of leftists. Supposedly the ‘right’ was represented by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Nazis, neo or otherwise, are socialists by definition. And ‘white supremacists’ are engaging in normal left-wing identity politics. A pox on both sides.

Source: ‘Very Fine People on Both Sides’ | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.