Book Reveals Homosexualization of Catholic Church

The term “gay rights” is an example of controlling thought through language. The phrase refers to formal approval of homosexual practices as well as special privileges for gays, who supposedly have a “right” to hiring priority, immunity from criticism, and all the other bennies that come of being “oppressed.”

Source: Book Reveals Homosexualization of Catholic Church

The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is A Target

We cannot dismiss the campaign to legalize pedophilia as fringy stuff that will get nowhere. It’s real and it’s here and it’s gaining strength.

Media outlets spread the idea. For example, “Good Morning America” recently celebrated an 11-year-old drag queen who danced suggestively on the show and does the same at adult night clubs. The studio audience looked groomed to be a picture of Middle America. They cheered his gyrations on cue, and approvingly.

Brought to you by the Democrat Party and the letters L, B, G, T, Q, and P.

Source: The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is A Target

A theory behind why government is sexualizing children – Bookworm Room

Governments are enthusiastically weaponizing the Leftist trend of sexualizing children, because doing so dramatically increases government power.

What’s terrifying about the child transgender movement is that it’s moved beyond the moral degenerates of the entertainment and media worlds. We’ve now reached the point at which governments are rapidly internalizing it and using it to sever the parent-child bond. Last year in Ohio, parents actually lost custody for not being sufficiently supportive of their daughter’s claimed transgenderism. Currently, in Texas, a father is being told that, if he doesn’t get with his ex-wife’s program of insisting that their six-year-old son wants to be a girl, he will lose any access to his son.

Source: A theory behind why government is sexualizing children – Bookworm Room

In Their Own Words: Parents of Kids Who Think They Are Trans Speak Out

The whole idea is nothing less than state-sponsored child abuse.

My daughter then ran away to Oregon where state law allowed her—at the age of seventeen, without my knowledge or consent—to change her name and legal gender in court, and to undergo a double mastectomy and a radical hysterectomy.

My once beautiful daughter is now nineteen years old, homeless, bearded, in extreme poverty, sterilized, not receiving mental health services, extremely mentally ill, and planning a radial forearm phalloplasty (a surgical procedure that removes part of her arm to construct a fake penis).

I’d be taking names, making a list…

Source: In Their Own Words: Parents of Kids Who Think They Are Trans Speak Out

Leftist Hoaxes: A Failure to Understand the Right

This is profoundly dangerous to us all. Because, not knowing us, they cannot understand where the limits are. They’ve been butting up near our maximum levels of tolerance for some time now. Sooner or later, one of them is going to exceed that boundary because he doesn’t even know it’s there, anymore.


Source: Leftist Hoaxes: A Failure to Understand the Right

Mom gives birth, then claims she’s actually father – WND

Not sure who’s more insane, this woman, or the government of Great Britain.

The woman, identified only at TT, has sued the Registrar General at the High Court so that she can be “recognized” as the child’s father, or “parent,” according to the Christian Institute.

There is a legal requirement that the mother of a child be listed on the child’s birth certificate as the mother.

But the woman, who already has used the law to change her designated sex to male, objects.

Source: Mom gives birth, then claims she’s actually father – WND

British Woman Arrested for Referencing Factual Truth – Moonbattery

Progressive tyranny has reached such an extreme in the moonbat dystopia formerly known as Great Britain that people are literally imprisoned for stating factual truth rather than politically preferred lies:

Tell the truth, go to jail? Hmmm. I wonder how that will work in court?

Court: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Me: Hell NO!!! You go to jail for that!

Source: British Woman Arrested for Referencing Factual Truth – Moonbattery

‘Gender,’ Envy and Self-Pity

Ace of Spades summarizes a not-so-surprising discovery: [F]emale-to-male transgenders are discovering that “Male Privilege” actually doesn’t exist, and that the actual privilege belongs to women.

Source: ‘Gender,’ Envy and Self-Pity

Read the whole post. It is good. I do want to follow a digression in the article and ‘ditto’ this digression:

Incidentally, here’s something about me: I don’t watch YouTube videos. If you want to tell me something, write it. For any literate person, reading is far more efficient than listening to the spoken word. I am an extremely fast reader, and could fully comprehend the transcript of an entire 15-minute video in less than two minutes, and why should I waste that additional time? This is why I’m sometimes confounded by the fame, such as it is, of YouTube “celebrities.” There are people out there who have hundreds of thousands of YouTube subscribers and rate as “celebrities” within whatever niche of fandom they appeal to, and I’ve never heard of them, because I don’t watch YouTube videos. And when I see someone like Carl Benjamin (a/k/a, Sargon of Akkad) making a really good point in a YouTube video, I am tempted to yell at my computer: “WHERE’S THE F–KING TRANSCRIPT?” Like, you couldn’t even be bothered to write up your argument as a blog post? If you believe what you’re saying on your YouTube channel is important, wouldn’t it reach a wider audience and have more impact if you took time to publish a transcript, or at least a synopsis of your argument? But I digress . . .

Amen. I don’t watch YouTube videos either, with one exception: Learning a new skill or craft. I’ve been learning guitar off of YouTube videos. Also honing my woodworking skills with videos. That’s it. I can learn in several ways but some things you just have to be shown how to do. Opinions, history, philosophy, legislation, news… I want to READ it! I read and comprehend quickly. I was reading college level in fourth grade. (Doesn’t mean I understood it all, of course.)

The problem here is education, or the lack thereof, of the English language today. Most YouTubers probably can’t write a proper sentence. (or write it in cursive.) Those old ‘diagram a sentence’ exercises I had throughout school are probably not taught anymore. As for writing in cursive:

Some argue that cursive is no longer relevant because it isn’t included in the Common Core State Standards. But these standards only include those skills that are testable and measurable in the classroom; they don’t address basic foundation skills, like handwriting or even spelling. That said, the Common Core emphasizes the importance of expository writing to demonstrate understanding of key concepts, and fast, legible handwriting is the technology universally available to students to facilitate content development. Cursive, therefore, is vital to helping students master the standards of written expression and critical thinking, life skills that go well beyond the classroom.

Add in the fact that Johnny can’t read:

In 2015, said APR writer Emily Hanford, only 56 percent of Bethlehem students were proficient in reading, so Kim Harper was charged with finding out why.

The problem?

The teachers were talking about how students should attack words in a story. When a child came to a word she didn’t know, the teacher would tell her to look at the picture and guess.

Word-guessing. The teachers apparently had no idea how to teach reading. They thought if they could just throw words at the students, they would figure it out. They all had education degrees but none of them had ever been taught how to teach children to read.

Reading and writing go together. If you can’t do either you end up on YouTube talking way too much instead of writing down your arguments in clear, concise, logical paragraphs.

Like Robert Stacey McCain says in the article, I digress. But I thought I was the only one annoyed by this reliance on videos and just had to rant.

Is There Any Intellectual Value in ‘Gender Studies’? | National Review

Gender studies is not about trying to understand the world, but is all about trying to change it in certain ways. It doesn’t seek to convey a body of knowledge, but just a set of grievances.

So the answer is ‘no.’ The U.S. needs to follow Hungary in banning such programs in colleges and unversities.

Source: Is There Any Intellectual Value in ‘Gender Studies’? | National Review

‘Bruce Jenner Is Still A Man’ Sign at Northern California Church Draws Protesters

On Sunday, people from across Siskiyou County gathered at the church to protest the sign, viewing it as hateful and exclusionary.

“As a community I hope that we can come together to show our love and support for the LBGTQ community in protest to the hate and slander that is being thrown at them,” organizers of the “Shastina Love Rally” at the church wrote in a Facebook event planning the Jan. 6 protest.

Who’s excluding? If you decide to be a freak you are excluding yourself. You are free to do that, but you are not free to impose your immorality, mental illnesses, or other perversions on others.

How intolerant of the LBGTQ ‘community’ of perverts.

Source: ‘Bruce Jenner Is Still A Man’ Sign at Northern California Church Draws Protesters