Female Trouble | The Z Blog

Look at the reaction to Donald Trump among the ruling class of the United States. He is detested, mostly by upper class women. Their reason is he has a penis and enjoys using it. As a comparison, Le Pen’s support is lowest among upper middle-class women in France. Sweden, which now runs on the principles of the womyn’s studies department at your local university, is also the poster child fro immigration restriction. The broads in charge of that country have destroyed at least two of their cities with Muslim migrants.

Source: Female Trouble | The Z Blog

Sultan Knish: Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?

And unlike the members of every other major American religion who don’t believe that they are under a current obligation by their deity to slaughter heathens and infidels– Muslims still think they’re on a mission from Allah to force the world to live by the rules set down by an illiterate 7th century warlord whose idea of a friendly greeting was ‘Aslim Taslam’, or in the latin, “Convert to My Religion and I Won’t Kill You”.

Source: Sultan Knish: Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?

Internal Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries – The Unz Review

For whatever reason, those who regard themselves as liberals are far more given to demonstrating and rioting than conservatives, and far more vulgar. I say “regard themselves as liberals.” Their behavior is opposite to classical liberalism. Vulgarity is not liberalism. Neither is arson. Neither is suppression of free speech. All of these are now the norm on campuses, in the media, among both students and professors. And among the protesters.

Source: Internal Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries – The Unz Review

The Confluence | The Z Blog

In order for this to work, the Left has always needed victims and oppressors, saints and sinners. In the 20th century, they could champion black civil rights and women’s issues. Then it was onto gays and now foreigners. The trouble is, they are running out of victims to champion. Black guys getting pushed around by rednecks at the polling booth make for sympathetic victims. Mentally unstable men in sundresses wanting access to the girl’s toilet are not good victims. They are ridiculous and championing them makes the champions look ridiculous.

Source: The Confluence | The Z Blog

Whatever happened to the idea that dignity is a virtue?

Yes, I know it’s propaganda. But the fact that’s it propaganda actually makes my point. Propaganda’s goal is to reach out to people in the most effective way possible to affect their thinking. In 1944, those who made The Negro Soldier looked at black culture and concluded that the best way to reach out to blacks was to present them, not as hip or cool, not as victims, not as rage-filled revolutionaries, but as people of intellectual and moral substance. Moreover, as I noted above, that approach worked for both blacks and whites who saw the movie.

Source: Whatever happened to the idea that dignity is a virtue?

20 Prozi Questions to the Emperor, Part the Second. | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Also, if every year truly was the hottest year in recorded history, then where are the fucking vineyards that the Romans had in Britain?

And, finally, if CO2 levels and industrialization is to blame, then what, exactly, ended the last Ice Age? Mammoths riding V8s to school?

Oh, and let’s not go into the fact that the AGW cultist’s models can’t even predict past weather if you enter the data from the previous periods into them.

Source: 20 Prozi Questions to the Emperor, Part the Second. | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Ace of Spades HQ

It’s then that you realize that it’s not just the institutional left that yearns to place its boot on your neck, it’s your left-wing neighbors, friends, coworkers and even family. When you see attacks on regular citizens cheered and reinforced by people on Facebook, your worldview changes radically.

You can no longer believe that they don’t really understand what they’re voting for. It becomes clear that they do–they’re voting to turn you into a second class citizen, an “other” who is not due the same rights and courtesies as their exalted tribe of Right Thinkers.

Source: Ace of Spades HQ

Today’s Sermon: Whose Compassion?  |  Ricochet

It’s embarrassing to admit this, but I had never thought that much about my rights as an American. I didn’t think of what it would actually mean if a government guaranteed a right to decent housing enshrined in the Bill of Rights. It’s not that it’s all that complicated … I just hadn’t thought about it.

Let’s ignore the problem of defining “decent housing” and declare that a “decent” house means four walls and a roof to keep out the rain … a heating system and a flush toilet.

Someone has to build the house. Any carpenters here? Someone has to install the heating system and the plumbing — anyone here know how to do that? Okay, so does my government-secured right to decent housing mean that carpenter, or roofer, or the plumber, and the furnace guy have to build me a house whether they want to or not? Do I have the right to their labor and materials? Will the government force them to do it?

Source: Today’s Sermon: Whose Compassion?  |  Ricochet