The Fourth Amendment Is Supposed to Work for the People, Not the Government –

General warrants, which were usually issued in secret in London, permitted British soldiers and agents in America to search wherever they wished and seize whatever they found. General warrants were not based upon any individualized suspicion, much less any probable cause. Their stated purpose was the need to enforce the Stamp Act, a totalitarian measure that cost more to enforce than it generated in revenue.

Source: The Fourth Amendment Is Supposed to Work for the People, Not the Government –

How the FAA Shot Down “Uber for Planes” | Foundation for Economic Education

“Instead of embracing this service, the FAA used tortuous logic to ban Flytenow and other online flight-sharing websites because it considered these to be “common carriers” (such as Delta Airlines). Private pilots cannot possibly comply with the myriad regulations that apply to the large airlines.”

Source: How the FAA Shot Down “Uber for Planes” | Foundation for Economic Education

These Aren’t The Justice-Involved Individuals You’re Looking For | Stately McDaniel Manor

“The only reasonable conclusion is that Progressives, who essentially control most of our institutions of “higher learning,” and who are so worried about the “rape culture” that has turned their worker’s paradises into places no rational woman would think to set foot, want to solve the problem of the rape culture by importing as many known—actually, unknown to them–rapists and other kinds of criminals as possible. What are the rapes, even the lives, of 25% and more of college women compared to Progressive ideological purity?”

Source: These Aren’t The Justice-Involved Individuals You’re Looking For | Stately McDaniel Manor

School sends deputy to warn 7-year-old about Bible verses

“Officials at a California public grade school who dispatched a sheriff’s deputy to stop a 7-year-old from sharing Bible verses with his classmates because someone could be “offended” now are being warned of “civil rights violations.” The student regularly shared notes from his mother containing Bible verses that were tucked into his lunch at Desert […]”

Here’s a Bible verse I’d like to share:

The Democrat says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
Their deeds are loathsome and corrupt;
not one does what is good.

All have gone astray;
all alike are perverse.
Not one does what is good,
not even one.

Psalms 14: 1, 3 (NAB)

Source: School sends deputy to warn 7-year-old about Bible verses

Delusions Of The Left | Stately McDaniel Manor

“President Obama and the Democrat Party care nothing for traditional Americans and their families, but a very great deal for tiny, noisy identity groups aligned with Democrat ideology. Thus are Mr. Obama and his Obamites determined to put men in women’s bathrooms and locker room, the better to teach girls the wonders of transvestites and pedophilia.”

Source: Delusions Of The Left | Stately McDaniel Manor

Trump is not a fascist — but Hillary is

“Trump may be kind of thuggish, but he’ll leave me alone. Hillary’s going to come looking for me, and she’s foolish and clueless enough to push and push until we normals get tired of it and start to push back. I, for one, prefer my country not to be sucked into a second civil war because some former president’s angry wife is playing out a freakish psychodrama revenge fantasy against all the guys who have rejected her, from her father to Bill…”

Source: Trump is not a fascist — but Hillary is

Your Government: Now Paying Shrinks $3,000 For Every Veterans Gun They Confiscate |

When doctors see a patient – even one who has been totally stable for years — the doctor says “I see on this progress note that you own fire arms.” If the patient says “yes,” Dr. X is required to ask the veteran to surrender his firearms. Veterans invariably refuse. When they do, the psychiatrist then summons the VA police to the room, saying “You’re going to surrender your firearms, or we’re going to involuntarily hospitalize you.”

Source: Your Government: Now Paying Shrinks $3,000 For Every Veterans Gun They Confiscate | | Mr. Conservative is the top website for news, political cartoons, breaking news, republican election news, conservative facts and commentary on politi

The Rapid Fall of Socialist Venezuela |

“Sounds a lot like what is going on here in the US. Obama has incompetently and purposefully mismanaged our money as well. Our national debt has risen $8 trillion since Obama has been in office. Corruption is everywhere and people are stealing America blind in the name of wealth redistribution. Our debt is double the size it was before the last crisis.”

Source: The Rapid Fall of Socialist Venezuela |

Articles: A Monstrous Moral Leviathan

“And for those who roll their eyes at the mention of slippery slopes when it comes to this ruling, our president, his administration and members of the judicial, academic, and media elite and their vast bureaucracies are now robbing children of their God-given, biological identity.”

Source: Articles: A Monstrous Moral Leviathan