Articles: Islam’s Celestial Women: Muslim Men Die for Them, Muslim Women Envy Them

The histories of the conquest of Mesopotamia and Syria are in fact full of anecdotes of Muslims throwing themselves into the fray and rushing to death’s embrace because they believed that doing so would rush them to the warm embraces of the heavenly sex slaves.

Being the immature, emotionally-stunted males that they are, (much like the American campus crybullies), they can’t handle a living, breathing, thinking woman.

Source: Articles: Islam’s Celestial Women: Muslim Men Die for Them, Muslim Women Envy Them

Former Sanders Spokeswoman: “We Don’t Need White People Leading The Democratic Party” | Video | RealClearPolitics

“In my opinion we don’t need white people leading the Democratic party right now,” Sanders said. “The Democratic party is diverse, …”

‘Diverse’ is just a synonym for ‘racist’ now.

Source: Former Sanders Spokeswoman: “We Don’t Need White People Leading The Democratic Party” | Video | RealClearPolitics

Transgender Conformity by Katherine Kersten | Articles | First Things

What’s behind the transgender movement, a cultural tsunami so powerful it can tear apart even so traditional an institution as Nova Classical Academy? Transgender ideology advances under the banner of progress and enlightened thinking. Yet its fundamental claim—that a human being can change his or her sex—“is starkly, nakedly false,” according to Dr. Paul McHugh, who served for twenty-six years as psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Johns Hopkins pioneered sex-change surgery, but abandoned it in the 1970s after research revealed that it did not improve the mental health of patients.

Source: Transgender Conformity by Katherine Kersten | Articles | First Things

Ace of Spades HQ

Cognitive behavioral therapy tries to teach people to short-circuit/disrupt/desensitize that triggering circumstance until it no longer triggers them (or at least triggers them less) and thus they keep the cascade of bad brain chemicals from gushing too much.

Lukianov’s amazing insight was that just as cognitive behavioral techniques could be used to desensitize someone to an emotional trigger, so could an evil form of the techniques be used to hypersenisitize someone to an emotional trigger.

What you’re seeing on college campuses, on social media, and in society generally is the triumph of these evil forms of malevolent cognitive behavioral conditioning to encourage people not to keep their wits about them and stand strong in the face of adversity, but to collapse into a twitchy puddle of panic and mental disarray if they so much as see a word they don’t like.

And thus colleges which once produced some of the boys who stormed Normandy are now producing Adult Babies who need Play-Doh recovery rooms if they hear that American Sniper is being screened at the rec center.

Source: Ace of Spades HQ
