Justice Department Forces Christian Pastor to Testify on Islam Views | Rule of Law

Federal law prohibits discrimination in zoning practices against religions. During the Obama administration, a radical new argument was pressed by DOJ lawyers: that zoning boards can be saddled with any “naked animus or resistance from the community.” In other words, if some people don’t want a mosque in the community, then any zoning decision against the mosque must be because of citizen opposition. It’s the everyone-is-racist if anyone-is-racist theory advanced by academia and others.

Of course, Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian political ideology that should be treated with the same contempt and abhorrence as Nazism or Democrats.

Source: Justice Department Forces Christian Pastor to Testify on Islam Views | Rule of Law

Progressive sex ed revisited: The Left wants your children more than ever

The Islamic state manipulates men sexually, too. On the one hand, it theoretically offers men the benefit of an enslaved female population. On the other hand, though, the isolation it imposes on women means that vast numbers of Muslim men are deprived of any access, normal or otherwise, to women.

This deprivation enables Islamic leadership to use the mere promise of sex to entice men into committing suicide on behalf of the state.

Source: Progressive sex ed revisited: The Left wants your children more than ever

Articles: The Rage of Islam

Apart from prayer rugs, Islam has produced nothing but state-of-the-art terrorism techniques over the centuries. Their cultural accomplishments are kept to a minimum with half the people’s brain power confined under hijabs and burqas, and the other half driven to riot, kill, or commit suicide, as the outworking of the aberrant behavior that is inculcated from cradle to grave. Creativity flourishes in a free society; slave states produce tears.

Source: Articles: The Rage of Islam

The Psycho and Pseudo Jihad – Raymond Ibrahim

The reason for this is that nowhere in Islam is there talk about the “condition” of the jihadis’ “heart,” or if he’s “right” with God. Allah is not God: he is not interested in “hearts and minds” but in fighters and swords. So long as his fighters proclaim the shahada—“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”—and fight under the banner of Islam, they can take, plunder, murder, and rape the infidels; and if they die doing so, they are assured paradise.

Source: The Psycho and Pseudo Jihad – Raymond Ibrahim

A 1,389 Year-Old ‘Phobia’? – Raymond Ibrahim

According to their [Muslims’] doctrine, whatever is stolen or plundered from others of a different faith, is properly taken, and the theft is no crime; whilst those who suffer death or injury by the hands of Christians, are considered as martyrs. If, therefore, they were not prohibited and restrained by the [Mongol] powers who now govern them, they would commit many outrages. These principles are common to all Saracens.

— Marco Polo

Source: A 1,389 Year-Old ‘Phobia’? – Raymond Ibrahim