School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters |

“Celebrate being straight at JHS by not annoying the heck out of everyone about your sexual orientation!” read the flyers, posted in the school’s hallways after classes last Thursday. “It’s easy! Just come to the JHS, then you go about your day without telling everyone about how ‘different’ and ‘special’ you are!”

Source: School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters |

The Ugly Truth about Muslim Grievances | Frontpage Mag

This is not the sort of grievance that animates many Muslims – and certainly not those who resort to terrorism.

Rather, they are animated by a supremacist-based grievance: they get angry seeing infidels on an equal footing with Muslims. And they get murderous seeing infidels actually lording over Muslims.

Source: The Ugly Truth about Muslim Grievances | Frontpage Mag

Sultan Knish: Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?

And unlike the members of every other major American religion who don’t believe that they are under a current obligation by their deity to slaughter heathens and infidels– Muslims still think they’re on a mission from Allah to force the world to live by the rules set down by an illiterate 7th century warlord whose idea of a friendly greeting was ‘Aslim Taslam’, or in the latin, “Convert to My Religion and I Won’t Kill You”.

Source: Sultan Knish: Who Will Teach Tolerance to the Muslims?

Sultan Knish: Are We Refugeed Out Yet?

Iraq is a failed state. Before we intervened, it was held together by torture, terror and genocide. Now the only things holding it together are torture, terror and genocide. We should take Christian refugees fleeing the Muslim conflicts in that country, but we should not import its Islamic culture of violence.

America has done far more than its share. We have opened our doors to Iraqi refugees. And in return, the people of this land were exposed to terror and horrific refugee crimes. Enough is enough.

Source: Sultan Knish: Are We Refugeed Out Yet?

Blog: Rachel Dolezal has become a nightmare for the ‘transgender’ fantasists

It is solely for ideological reasons that the Left has adopted transgenderism as a pet cause. They want to destroy the natural family and legitimize every permutation and combination of sexual activity, destroying biblically based norms.

Source: Blog: Rachel Dolezal has become a nightmare for the ‘transgender’ fantasists

Sultan Knish: Savages of Stockholm

Some people would call that savagery, but that sort of talk is politically incorrect. And we all know that there are no such things as savages. The true savages are the people who use scientific principles to make cars and then use the money to commission paintings of soaring eagles for museums because they are greedy exploiters of the planet. On the other hand, the noble savages whose herds of sheep and goats turn fertile land into desert, who burned the great libraries of civilization and who believe that the hair of women emits rays that passing airplanes have to be protected from are close to nature.

Source: Sultan Knish: Savages of Stockholm

Internal Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries – The Unz Review

For whatever reason, those who regard themselves as liberals are far more given to demonstrating and rioting than conservatives, and far more vulgar. I say “regard themselves as liberals.” Their behavior is opposite to classical liberalism. Vulgarity is not liberalism. Neither is arson. Neither is suppression of free speech. All of these are now the norm on campuses, in the media, among both students and professors. And among the protesters.

Source: Internal Secession and the Road to Ruin: Two Countries – The Unz Review

Blog: Five festering problems the Democrats cynically ignore

There are at least 4 million illegals in California. It requires a special liberal variety of naivete to believe that none of them vote. Even if none do, they are all counted in the census which determines congressional representation and some federal funding allocations. If only citizens were counted, California would have five fewer congressional seats/electoral votes. Those seats would go to, for example, Ohio (2), Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The Democrats who’ve declared Califronia a sanctuary state know exactly what they are doing.

Source: Blog: Five festering problems the Democrats cynically ignore