Broken Women | The Z Blog

Second Wave Feminism was proof that women, lacking a man around to say no, will begin to commit suicide by destroying the culture that allows them to prosper. That it quickly degenerated into Third Wave Feminism is all the proof you need. The Wikipedia entry for Third Wave Feminism is mostly just word salad because there’s no way to provide a concise description of what amounts to a grab bag of outburst by mentally ill women. That can be taken literally.

Source: Broken Women | The Z Blog

Articles: Men without Chests Threaten Civilization

When societies fail to teach morality and train the hearts of men to embrace and emulate virtuous behavior, they produce “Men without Chests,” individuals who are intelligent but behave like animals – men who don’t practice the virtues and are controlled by their appetites. Such men will lose their humanity, prophesied Lewis; they will no longer be human.

Source: Articles: Men without Chests Threaten Civilization

Undocumented Shopping: Legacy of an African President | Fred On Everything

The problem is not racist police. It is racist blacks. Whites are not burning the businesses of blacks. White people are not sacking the stores of blacks. White people are not calling for the burning of black suburbs. White people do not play the Knockout game.

We are blaming the victims.

Source: Undocumented Shopping: Legacy of an African President | Fred On Everything

Do You Have to Try Every Stupid Thing You Think Of? | Gates of Vienna

On 9/11/2001 people were left with only one solution in order to escape the burning Twin Towers: they had to jump to their deaths. Islam made them. Islam really leaves you with only one solution: death. And it takes away the alternatives: stairs and elevators.

Source: Do You Have to Try Every Stupid Thing You Think Of? | Gates of Vienna

Articles: The Useless Left

Leftists secretly sense the pathetic unimportance of their work and the essential irrelevance of their careers in the healthy life of the nation. This inadequacy translates into venom, such as when Hillary, who has never done a real day’s work in her whole life, looks down on those whose work has meaning and whose life has purpose while her life is a dreary parade of greed, ambition, and lies.

Source: Articles: The Useless Left