The Only Racists In America

There are African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, Arab-Americans, Native-Americans, etc. And then there are just – Americans.

You have the United Negro College Fund, Hispanic History Month, Martin Luther King Day, Asian History Month, Black Entertainment Television, Black History Month, Cesar Chavez Day, Kwanzaa and the NAACP.

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), we’d be called racists.

If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.

If we had a White History Month, we’d be called racist for that.

The only racists I’ve ever met were liberal, hyphenated-Americans.

Source: The Only Racists In America

The False Teachings of the National Council of Churches

These are not churches so much as leftist political agitators.

3. “Tax and budget policies that reduce disparities between rich and poor, strengthen democracy, and provide greater opportunity for everyone within the common good.”  Is this what Jesus taught?  Did He complain that the people under Roman rule needed a fairer tax code?

Any church that is a member of the NCC is a fake church. Ditto for the World Council of Churches.

Source: The False Teachings of the National Council of Churches

The Not-So-Secrets of Success

“Don’t be a weirdo”

… here is a short (and by no means exhaustive) list of things that parents should warn their children to avoid:

  • Communism

  • Heroin

  • Pornography

  • Canada

  • Canadian pornography

  • Herpes

  • Feminists

  • Feminists with herpes

  • Facial piercing

  • Tattoos

  • Anyone with an anime character as their Internet avatar

  • “Sexting”

  • Internet dating apps

  • Syphilis

  • Conspiracy theories

  • “Charismatic” cult leaders

  • Gender Studies majors

  • Chlamydia

  • Rape

  • Al Gore

  • “Social justice”

  • Gonorrhea

  • Murder

  • Anyone who has ever worked at Disney or Nickelodeon

Source: The Not-So-Secrets of Success

Which Gender Differences Are ‘Disparities’?

Meanwhile, you will search in vain for the calls to eliminate the overrepresentation of men in mining, trucking, sewage, and garbage collecting. The reason for all this is that the feminist Left isn’t so much a political movement for equality with a consistent philosophy as much as it is an expression of rage over the fact that men and women tend to make different career decisions.

Source: Which Gender Differences Are ‘Disparities’?

Whatever the Left Touches It Ruins | National Review

A partial listing of the damage done.

The Left has ruined most of the arts. The following three examples are chosen because they are scatological, a favorite form of left-wing artistic expression. Before the Left poisoned the arts, art was intended to elevate the viewer (or listener). But to the Left, “elevate” is a meaningless term; it is far more at home depicting urine, fecal matter, and menstrual blood.

Source: Whatever the Left Touches It Ruins | National Review

Political Correctness Destroys History and Christianity

Reading left-wing sources might give you the impression that evil Christians in Europe wanted to take back the holy land from the peaceful Muslims. Here’s a map you’ve probably never seen, showing the battles waged by Muslims against Christians. Christians fought back by focusing on the holy lands. Muslims had waged 548 battles before the First Crusade in 1095 called by Pope Urban II.

Islam is not a religion. It is a totalitarian political movement. It needs to be defeated and banned by all civilized nations.

Source: Political Correctness Destroys History And Christianity

GRINGO DE MAYO!: A Counter-Celebration for May 7 – American Digest

By my count that’s three less places that will be serving up the ” hand-wrapped garbage disposal delight” known as the “Burrito” (so named because it contains scraps of otherwise inedible food that was, in the past, fed only to Burros.)

Source: GRINGO DE MAYO!: A Counter-Celebration for May 7 – American Digest

Democrat Proposes Forcing Gun Owners to Give Up ‘Assault Weapons’

“Go after resisters…”

This is Eric Salwell (D-CA), the face of tyranny. He is in violation of his oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. This man, and all other Democrats, want to start the Second Civil War. That is what will happen if they try this.

Source: Democrat Proposes Forcing Gun Owners to Give Up ‘Assault Weapons’