Actually, Socialism Does Work

Socialism worked for Mao. It worked for Fidel Castro. It worked for Erich Honecker and Nicolae Ceaușescu, until the very end. It worked for Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, again with sad ends that didn’t inflict anywhere near enough pain to negate the years of glory and power that went before. It worked for Hugo Chavez, who like Castro, parlayed socialism into a multi-billion dollar fortune, and it has worked so far for Nicolas Maduro. All of these psychopaths, and many others, got exactly what they wanted out of socialism. From their point of view, it is a successful ideology.

Source: Actually, Socialism Does Work

Hey, Democrats, The System Doesn’t Need To Be ’Fixed’ Every Time You Lose An Election

The arrogance of the age — maybe every age — is that intellectuals believe, by default, that they’re smarter, more moral, and more evolved than those who came before them. We often hear the Left gripe about the antiquated nature of the Constitution. It was Klein, after all, who once claimed that the Constitution was confusing document because it is old.

The Founding Fathers… geniuses they were!

Source: Hey, Democrats, The System Doesn’t Need To Be ’Fixed’ Every Time You Lose An Election

When The Left Uses Civility As A Weapon, Drop It And Fight Back

The detail that conservatives tend to forget is that when one party violates a contract, the other party is no longer bound by all of its terms. If you sign a contract to buy a car, and the dealer refuses to turn it over you, you aren’t “sinking to their level” by refusing to hand over your money. If you contract an employee who never shows up for work, you aren’t “repaying evil for evil” by withholding his wages. The same is true when dealing with people who are deliberately uncivil to civil people — it fundamentally changes what the rest of society owes them.

In other words, the aggressor makes the rules. We don’t ‘stoop to their level’ by fighting aggression by their rules.

Source: When The Left Uses Civility As A Weapon, Drop It And Fight Back

Bisexual ‘Gender-Fluid’ 7th-Grader Leads Pride March in Maryland Capital

Because the reader is now probably confused and dismayed, let me help you focus your mind on a short list of obvious points:

  1. She declared herself bisexual in fifth grade? Let any adult think back to when you were in fifth grade. In what alternative universe does it make sense to have 10-year-olds “coming out”?

  2. What does it mean to be “gender-fluid” in seventh grade? Shouldn’t such behavior be considered potentially symptomatic of abuse? Is it not self-evident that this child is emotionally disturbed?

  3. Who are this child’s parents? What sort of people think it’s a good idea for a 12-year-old girl to be a “gender-fluid” bisexual marching around downtown waving a rainbow flag?

This is child endangerment and abuse. Brought to you by the letters LGBTQWERTY and NEA and DEMOCRATS. A vote for Democrats is a vote for child abuse.

Source: Bisexual ‘Gender-Fluid’ 7th-Grader Leads Pride March in Maryland Capital

Mueller Targets NRA, Proves He’s a Dem Bagboy

Meanwhile the party that gave the Russians all the uranium they wanted, sent dirty money illegal to their Iranian allies and sold out Eastern Europe will pretend to be patriots who are determined to stamp out De Russkies even if means abolishing every single one of the Bill of Rights, the entire Constitution and putting the whole country under martial law.

Mueller needs to be doxxed and harassed everywhere he goes.

Source: Mueller Targets NRA, Proves He’s a Dem Bagboy

Church sign reads ‘LGBT is hate crime vs. God, repent,’ draws protest

After many labeling the sign as “anti-LGBT” expressed outrage, the church did not buckle or apologize to observes who were offended by the sign, arguing that it is called by God to warn sinners and lead them to repentance.

Truth hurts. Good for the church for not buckling.

Source: Church sign reads ‘LGBT is hate crime vs. God, repent,’ draws protest

It’s time for Maxine Waters to go.

Waters has crossed a dangerous line, calling for attacks and violence against all Trump officials.

What Waters said, when she called on Americans to “push back” against Trump officials, and make it impossible for them to shop, eat out, or go to gas stations, is one of the most irresponsible statements anyone could have said, let alone a so-called Democrat leader.

It is especially dangerous to call for public attacks at a time in our country when liberals are so wildly unhinged and violent, have no control over their emotions and are brainwashed by fake news and hoodwinked by lying, sleazy politicians like Maxine Waters.

Under the circumstances, censure is not enough for Maxine Waters.

Waters should face expulsion for what she’s done.

She has advocated stalking, harassment, disturbing the peace, and mob violence. Remove her.

Sign the petition: Expulsion For Maxine Waters – Remove Her From Congress