Animal’s Hump Day News | Animal Magnetism

Pugh obviously had what we used to refer to as a sudden rush of brains to the head. (I may be being a little too generous.) I’m pretty damn sure Mayor Pugh was considering the sudden increase in cost of the city’s union-scale employees; union contracts are frequently tied to a percentage over the prevailing minimum wage.

Source: Animal’s Hump Day News | Animal Magnetism

Constitutional Originalism or the “living Constitution”: Gorsuch’s nomination and a tale of two law profs

Obamacare has shown us that our Constitution creates a government so strong and intrusive that it can fine every American for failing to purchase East India tea that comes with a British tax on it.

Source: Constitutional Originalism or the “living Constitution”: Gorsuch’s nomination and a tale of two law profs

Articles: K-12: No Joy In Reading. That’s the Plan.

The result of all these unnecessary (or destructive) techniques is to make children unable to read or unable to derive pleasure from reading. A lot of teenage boys say, “I hate reading. I don’t like books.” Probably the truth in most cases is, they don’t actually know how to read, or they know how to read in a clumsy way, one guessed Sight-word at a time. They were never taught to read correctly, and that’s where they stay. Many people suffer a lifelong agony as a result.

Source: Articles: K-12: No Joy In Reading. That’s the Plan.

Female Trouble | The Z Blog

Look at the reaction to Donald Trump among the ruling class of the United States. He is detested, mostly by upper class women. Their reason is he has a penis and enjoys using it. As a comparison, Le Pen’s support is lowest among upper middle-class women in France. Sweden, which now runs on the principles of the womyn’s studies department at your local university, is also the poster child fro immigration restriction. The broads in charge of that country have destroyed at least two of their cities with Muslim migrants.

Source: Female Trouble | The Z Blog

Articles: Trigger-Warning Tyrants

In other words, if, let’s say, you like homosexual behavior or just don’t care about it, that’s not called tolerance; it’s called affinity or indifference. A prerequisite for tolerating it is considering it a negative.

Thus, the true measure of tolerance is how well you handle things you don’t like. And pro tip: if you’re so triggered by “Where are you from?” and “You speak English really well” — which are also labeled microaggressions — that you participate in a Stalinesque effort to purge such things from discourse, you’re not just not tolerant; you’re not even tolerable.

Source: Articles: Trigger-Warning Tyrants