Quote of the Day

There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

— Booker T. Washington

GOP GIRL BLOG: Islam, The Religion of “Peace”?

How can a religion be one of “peace” if it is a religion that has zero tolerance for those belonging to other religions? How can a religion of “peace” order its followers to subdue people of other religions or kill them? How can a religion of “peace” be one of peace if it refuses to co-exist with other religions? How is a religion a religion of “peace” when their bible, the Quran, contains some 500 verses that speak of their God, Allah’s, hatred for non-Muslims? How can a religion of “peace” not give the same rights to women as it gives to men? How can a religion of “peace” allow men to beat their wives for disobedience? How can a religion of “peace” condone the taking of women as sex slaves? How can a religion of “peace” allow the raping of non-Muslim women? How can a religion of “peace” condone the killing of gay men and women? How can a religion of “peace” condone “Jihad”, the calling for a holy war as to spread the religion of Islam? How can a religion of “peace” be one of peace when it encourages terrorism in the name of its God, “Allah”? How can a religion of “peace” be not a facilitator of democracy? I ask, how can a religion of “peace” be a religion when its belief system is one of widespread violence?

Source: GOP GIRL BLOG: Islam, The Religion of “Peace”?

Blog: Police and media downplay or deny obvious Islamic terror roots of Fresno shooting spree

Excuse me, but touting a war against whites and randomly executing them on the streets is the very essence of terror. It is intended to make white Fresnians afraid to go out of their houses and be in public spaces where they may be gunned down. The goal of terrorism is to change the way people feel and behave.

And when it is done in the name of Allah, it is Islamic terror.

Obviously this is a follower of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has been spreading this racist Islamic crap for decades.

Source: Blog: Police and media downplay or deny obvious Islamic terror roots of Fresno shooting spree

HORROR: HBO Documentary Lets Viewers “Hear The Death” Of An Aborted Baby [VIDEO] | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News

The idea that this horrifying documentary, which features the audio of a baby being dismembered and killed, is fair to both sides, is ridiculous…

HBO has basically produced a snuff film.

Source: HORROR: HBO Documentary Lets Viewers “Hear The Death” Of An Aborted Baby [VIDEO] | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News


The post-constitutional world of Judge Richard Posner – The Washington Post

I would prefer to see us acknowledge openly that today we, who are judges rather than members of Congress, are imposing on a half-century-old statute a meaning of “sex discrimination” that the Congress that enacted it would not have accepted. This is something courts do fairly frequently to avoid statutory obsolescence and concomitantly to avoid placing the entire burden of updating old statutes on the legislative branch…

So says the so-called ‘judge’ Richard Posner.

Posner’s theory of statutory interpretation, then, is really a theory of judicial usurpation of Congress’s Article I powers. Article I, let’s recall, states that “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” So yes, as a rule the “entire burden” of updating old statutes is indeed on the legislative branch. Congress has consistently declined the opportunity to add sexual orientation to the list of protected classes under Title VII, and judges have no authority to exercise legislative authority in Congress’s place.

Source: The post-constitutional world of Judge Richard Posner – The Washington Post

How (and Why) Does Sex Happen? – The Patriarch Tree – Medium

However, there are crazy people who insist on pretending that male-female differences aren’t real. We call these crazy people “feminists.

”Until the 1970s, crazy people were locked up in lunatic asylums, but then progressives came up with a “reform” program, and all the crazy people were sent to universities and became Women’s Studies professors. So now we have a generation of young people who have been taught that “gender” (i.e., the difference between men and women) is “socially constructed.”

Source: How (and Why) Does Sex Happen? – The Patriarch Tree – Medium

Dayenu, President Trump! For each thing you’ve done, it would have been enough

As it happens, I also agreed when Adams wrote yesterday that there was a possibility that the chemical attack was a rebel chemical strike on its own side for propaganda value. Nothing that comes out of that region can be considered true in the first instance, or even the second, third or fourth. Moreover, the actors in the Syrian civil war are all equally bad people, with neither side having compunction about attacking its own innocent civilians in order to score propaganda points. Regardless of the truth on the ground, though, Trump sent an important message.

If I’m not mistaken, both sides are Muslims. The Koran gives them permission to lie. The Truth is not in them.

Source: Dayenu, President Trump! For each thing you’ve done, it would have been enough