Japan’s top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country’s Muslims | Asia | News | The Independent

However, the presiding judges did not make a judgment on police profiling and surveillance tactics which a lower court had upheld as “necessary and inevitable” to guard against international terrorism.

Exactly what needs to be done here. Islam and Muslims are threats to life, freedom and security anywhere they congregate.

Source: Japan’s top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country’s Muslims | Asia | News | The Independent

The symbiotic relationship between the Westboro Baptists and the Left

Here’s the reality: The Westboro Baptist Church is tiny, with only about 40 members. It is not recognized by any mainstream Christian church, including Baptist or other fundamental churches. So far as I know, the church members have never committed an act of violence: no shootings, bombings, stonings, stabbings, beheadings, or even punchings. They are disgusting and cruel, but otherwise completely harmless.

Source: The symbiotic relationship between the Westboro Baptists and the Left

PHOTOS: UN military vehicles seen rolling down Virginia interstate – The American MirrorThe American Mirror

“Tactical Vehicles, with bullet proof glass? What ever could those be for, and why are UN vehicles here, in THIS country?!” Fernando Johnson questioned, while Vincent Sammons noted, “They are sealed against gas too.”


Source: PHOTOS: UN military vehicles seen rolling down Virginia interstate – The American MirrorThe American Mirror

George Will’s clarifying stance

Keep in mind that Hillary’s will not be a brand new presidency, one in which she starts from scratch, changing the previous administration’s status quo. Instead, she will be Obama’s third term (and that’s separate from worrying about whether, thanks to the blackmail potential from the dirt in her hacked emails, she’ll also be Russia’s and China’s first term in the White House). Think of what Obama has already done, all of which Hillary will continue to do:

Will, don’t let the door hit your sorry ass on the way out!

Source: George Will’s clarifying stance

‘No Fly, No Buy’ Means No Freedom – The Unz Review

If a government bureaucrat can put your name on a secret list on the bureaucrat’s own whim or even using secret standards and, as a result, you have lost a fundamental liberty, then the feds have transformed a natural right into a governmental gift. If the feds can create a no-fly list in secret and “no fly” comes to mean “no buy,” then we have no rights but what the government will permit us to do.

Source: ‘No Fly, No Buy’ Means No Freedom – The Unz Review

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

Other administration agencies that have purchased guns and ammo include the Small Business Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Education, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Why in the world does the SBA, NOAA, EPA, FDA, etc, need military-grade arms? Or ANY arms at all? Answer: They don’t. It’s part of the Obamarroid’s promised “civilian national security force.” And he wanted it wanted it as big as all of the nation’s military branches.

In other words, the Democrats want their own private army. To be used to trample you, me, the Constitution, etc.


Source: There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines



UA to offer master’s degree in ‘Transgender Studies’

“One reason why the search didn’t work the first year is that the three people who had been hired were all white, and we were really trying to prioritize hiring faculty of color,” Plemons said, explaining why UA has only hired three of the four new staff members for the Transgender Studies Initiative so far.

Not only worthless, but racist too.

I’ll add that there are already degrees in this. These are degrees in Psychology and Psychiatry, the study and treatment of the mentally ill.

Source: UA to offer master’s degree in ‘Transgender Studies’

Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Pretend Sex

A doctor’s decision not to treat a patient acting like the opposite sex could earn him criminal investigation, according to a new health care rule.

Once again we see graphic evidence of mental illness among the Democrats. They have absolutely no grasp on reality. They live in a fantasy world. And then they project their mental illness onto conservatives by accusing conservatives of being ‘anti-science’.

Source: Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Pretend Sex