Sultan Knish: Moderates and Radicals in Islam and the Left

Subversive organizations operate through incremental radicalization. The average American liberal of twenty years ago would not have supported half of what he vocally advocates for today. Even Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage when they ran for office. In a few years they moved from opposing a policy to threatening to prosecute those opposed to it. That is how the left works.

Source: Sultan Knish: Moderates and Radicals in Islam and the Left

Sultan Knish: Black Law Enforcement Lives Don’t Matter

Al-Amin opened fire with a rifle on the two African-American law enforcement officers. Deputy Aldranon English was wounded and he stumbled to a nearby field to save his life. Deputy Kinchen was shot and fell. Al-Amin ran out of bullets, took a handgun from his black Mercedes, pointed it at the fallen African-American officer as he lay dying and shot him between the legs three times.

Source: Sultan Knish: Black Law Enforcement Lives Don’t Matter

Mother, 36, and son, 19, say they’ll do anything to defend their love

More vomitus from the Left. “They have decided to go public with their affair in a bid to raise awareness of Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA) relationships. This is what happens when you cater to sex perverts. All LGBTs are mentally ill and should be treated as such.

Source: Mother, 36, and son, 19, say they’ll do anything to defend their love

Articles: Why the Establishment Can’t Grasp the Nature of Islam

A comprehensive German study of 45,000 immigrant youths, reported in 2010, found that while increasing religiosity among the Christian youths made them less violent, increasing religiosity among the Muslim youths actually made them more violent. Not more violent “if they join Islamic State” — but more violent, period.

Source: Articles: Why the Establishment Can’t Grasp the Nature of Islam