Prof suggests using art classes to help kids ‘turn out queer’

In his efforts to fight against the “heteronormative realities” of most K-12 schools, Greteman argues that art teachers could impart a “queerer agenda” on students that might “actually help kids turn out queer” [emphasis in original].

Homosexuals are openly abusing children by recruiting them to the so-called ‘lifestyle’. This is pure evil. Why would you abuse children like this? Because you like to sodomize children. It’s well-known that homosexuals are also pedophiles. Just look at all the Catholic priest scandals.

Source: Campus Reform

If the Law Is This Complicated, Why Shouldn’t Ignorance Be an Excuse?

Moreover, as noted, the increasing criminalization of morally blameless conduct makes the punishment of innocent mistakes even more likely. For example, federal law makes it illegal to possess the feather of any native migratory bird even if one just picks it up off the ground, and the potential penalties for doing so include fines and even time in prison. Think federal prosecutors would exercise their discretion to prevent miscarriages of justice under such obscure laws? Think again.

Source: Townhall

Blood on the Left’s Hands in Manhattan

Sayfullo Saipov moved his being and the truck it was in over the bodies of New Yorkers leaving tire tracks over corpses. The Manhattan attack, like every Islamic attack before it, could have been stopped. But the NYPD’s hands had been tied. And the left had done the tying. It defended every Islamic terrorist that the NYPD had arrested. And prevented the NYPD from investigating mosques and radicalization.

Now it has what it really wanted. Dead Americans. And it has their blood on its manicured fingers.

Democrats love dead Americans. From babies in the womb to adults bicycling… all deserve to die. After all, the planet must be saved from overpopulation and global warming.

Democrats are evil.

Source: Sultan Knish

Why We Must Fight for the Right to Repair Our Electronics – IEEE Spectrum

When asked why it was standing in the way of farmers who want to fix their own tractors, the company replied that farmers didn’t really own their tractors. According to John Deere [PDF], farmers have only “an implied license for the life of the vehicle to operate the vehicle,” and farmers (or their mechanics) aren’t allowed to fiddle with the software to effect a repair.

Naturally, that position upset a lot of farmers, who assumed that when they plopped down $75,000 or more for a new tractor, they were buying the whole thing. They felt they should be able to fix their tractors on their own terms. And it turns out that the farmers were right.

Source: Why We Must Fight for the Right to Repair Our Electronics – IEEE Spectrum

The Obama EPA’s crooked prosecutors | Watts Up With That?

In reality, carbon dioxide is the miracle molecule without which most life on Earth would cease to exist. It enables plants of all kinds to convert soil nutrients and water into the fibers, fruits and seeds that are essential to humans and animals. The more CO2 in the air, the faster and better plants grow, and the more they are able to withstand droughts, disease, and damage from insects and viruses. In the process, crop, forest and grassland plants, and ocean and freshwater phytoplankton, exhale the oxygen we breathe.

They believe in fake science.

Source: The Obama EPA’s crooked prosecutors | Watts Up With That?

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors – Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site : Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

John McCain has a long history of colluding with enemies of the United States… first the North Vietnamese, now the Democrats:

McCain had a unique POW experience. Initially, he was taken to the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison camp, where he was interrogated. By McCain’s own account, after three or four days, he cracked. He promised his Vietnamese captors, “I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital.”

Source: ‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors – Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site : Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site