Jury Condemns 7-Year-Old Boy to Live with Woman Determined to Make Him a Girl

Anne Georgulas

This is Anne Georgulas.

This is the face of a child abuser.

This is the face of evil.

I would add eleven of the jurors to the list of evil child abusers. They should be doxxed and harassed when in public. Ditto the judge if he/she/it allows this verdict to go into effect.

Yesterday, a Dallas jury decided that father Jeff Younger was not only to lose his joint custody over his 7-year-old twin boys, but that one of those children, under the mother’s care, will have his hormones suppressed and his body surgically altered to appear female.

Source: Jury Condemns 7-Year-Old Boy to Live with Woman Determined to Make Him a Girl

Criminologists Mislead Us

Between 1991 and 2017, the nationwide violent crime rate fell from 758 cases to 382 cases per 100,000 people. Despite the evidence that higher incarceration reduces crime rates, many criminologists argue that “mass incarceration” has actually “took minority men out of their neighborhoods, stripped them of voting rights, destabilized families, and sapped already-paltry economic resources from struggling communities.” Wright and DeLisi say that “Such claims could seem plausible only if one believes — contrary to evidence and common sense — that career criminals contribute positively to their neighborhoods, enjoy stable and functional families, vote, and work. What they did, in reality, was to prey on their neighbors.”


Source: Criminologists Mislead Us

Google Has My Dead Grandpa’s Data And He Never Used The Internet

The data wasn’t manually entered manually by me or anyone using my account, but yet the data is associated with my account? How did that happen?

My first step was to hit that little “Manage…” button Google has deprioritized at the bottom of their credential window to see where it took me. What I found out is that Google, as expected, has been keeping track of me very well. Upon arrival to the controls page, I found a list of “Saved Passwords” (duh) as well as a list of “Never Saved” passwords.

Hmm. Never Saved? At no point did I tell Google to create and store a list of websites I had logged into that they didn’t get access to but would like access to at some point in the future. Maybe in the Terms of Service/Privacy Policy I agreed to this, but who knows? Not the majority of us, and it’s just creepy.

Source: Google Has My Dead Grandpa’s Data And He Never Used The Internet

WATCH: Armed intruders scatter when homeowner opens fire – WND

It’s another case of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun — this time, it’s actually four bad guys with guns — and it’s all caught on camera. Security video has been released showing four armed intruders breaking into a residence at the Country-Living Estates Mobile Home Park in Bowling Green, Kentucky, last Wednesday night just before midnight.

When seconds count, police are only minutes away…

Source: WATCH: Armed intruders scatter when homeowner opens fire – WND

The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is A Target

We cannot dismiss the campaign to legalize pedophilia as fringy stuff that will get nowhere. It’s real and it’s here and it’s gaining strength.

Media outlets spread the idea. For example, “Good Morning America” recently celebrated an 11-year-old drag queen who danced suggestively on the show and does the same at adult night clubs. The studio audience looked groomed to be a picture of Middle America. They cheered his gyrations on cue, and approvingly.

Brought to you by the Democrat Party and the letters L, B, G, T, Q, and P.

Source: The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is A Target

In Their Own Words: Parents of Kids Who Think They Are Trans Speak Out

The whole idea is nothing less than state-sponsored child abuse.

My daughter then ran away to Oregon where state law allowed her—at the age of seventeen, without my knowledge or consent—to change her name and legal gender in court, and to undergo a double mastectomy and a radical hysterectomy.

My once beautiful daughter is now nineteen years old, homeless, bearded, in extreme poverty, sterilized, not receiving mental health services, extremely mentally ill, and planning a radial forearm phalloplasty (a surgical procedure that removes part of her arm to construct a fake penis).

I’d be taking names, making a list…

Source: In Their Own Words: Parents of Kids Who Think They Are Trans Speak Out

And Just Like That, The Smollett Story Begins to Unravel

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. Smollett, two others in “active interviews” with Chicago police; Evidence of police “slow play” emerging. That story about …

A source familiar with the records provided by the Empire star states that Smollett downloaded his phone activity into a spreadsheet and then deleted certain phone calls before handing over the records. “He did the [detectives’] job for them because then they only had to focus on the numbers he deleted.”

Source: And Just Like That, The Smollett Story Begins to Unravel

British Woman Arrested for Referencing Factual Truth – Moonbattery

Progressive tyranny has reached such an extreme in the moonbat dystopia formerly known as Great Britain that people are literally imprisoned for stating factual truth rather than politically preferred lies:

Tell the truth, go to jail? Hmmm. I wonder how that will work in court?

Court: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Me: Hell NO!!! You go to jail for that!

Source: British Woman Arrested for Referencing Factual Truth – Moonbattery

Bikini baristas fight for their right to bare butts

Seriously? Who even uses a term like ‘anal cleft’?

I don’t want to see you ‘anal cleft’ at all. OK, I might not mind if a young, attractive woman is wearing a thong at the beach… which is not what I consider a work environment. If you are at work showing your ‘cleft’ I’ll consider it sexual harassment and file a complaint.

How much “anal cleft” is one allowed to show while at work? That’s the question one Washington state court is trying to answer. A US Circuit Court of Appeals is reviewing an ongoing legal saga

A US Circuit Court of Appeals is reviewing an ongoing legal saga between bikini baristas and the city of Everett over the anatomical phrase “anal cleft” and whether dress codes imposed on businesses violate their civil rights.

Their civil rights? How about MY civil right to not see your nasty ‘anal’ anything? Showing that in public is rude, crude, and should be socially unacceptable. Have these people no self-respect?

Well, if you go around showing it off, don’t complain if some raghead camel-jockey member of the ‘religion of peace’ rapes you. You asked for it.

Source: Bikini baristas fight for their right to bare butts

Male Nurse Arrested After Woman In Vegetative State Gives Birth To Baby Matching His DNA

An Arizona man was arrested on Wednesday and charged with sexually assaulting a 29-year-old woman who’s been in a vegetative state for 14 years.

On Tuesday, Sutherland, who worked at the facility since 2011, surrendered a court-ordered DNA sample to authorities and was subsequently arrested after it was found that his DNA matches the victim’s baby. As noted by KABC-TV, the 36-year-old “was responsible for caring for the victim and had access to her at the time of the incident.”

Wonder if he’s a registered Democrat? They seem to have a thing for rape.

Source: Male Nurse Arrested After Woman In Vegetative State Gives Birth To Baby Matching His DNA