Zero Mass Shootings Have Been Committed by Known NRA Members – The Political Insider

According to the Washington Post’s tracker of mass public shootings over the past 50 years (defined as a shooting where at least three were killed), there were 948 such culprits, and they came from nearly every imaginable race, religion and socioeconomic background. Additionally, 145 were children or teenagers.

And while the NRA boasts over five million members today, and has been around for the entirety of modern American history, not a single mass public shooter has been a known member.

Please note that every mass shooter has been a Democrat or other leftist ideologue.

Source: Zero Mass Shootings Have Been Committed by Known NRA Members – The Political Insider

The Grim Lessons of Charles Whitman

The police were armed with revolvers and shotguns.  Neither was effective against an enemy atop a 300-foot tower shooting over a chest-high wall.

The populace of U.T. and Austin in 1966 was an armed society.  These people felt every right to defend themselves, and they did so in numbers.  Among civilians, students and police were those who owned high-powered rifles, many with scopes for long-range targeting.  Within 20 minutes, they began to return fire on Whitman, who was forced to give up his place shooting over the wall and from then on shot only through the drain holes at the base of the deck.

The best way to handle a shooter is to shoot back. Blindingly obvious to anyone but a Democrat. But then, Democrats want an unarmed populace because every mass-murderer has been a Democrat or another brand of liberal, left-wing, ideologue.

Source: The Grim Lessons of Charles Whitman

The Media, the NRA, and Islam

So whom are you going to believe, Anderson Cooper, who knows as much about Islam as he knows about picking up girls in singles bars, or ten thousand imams who have literally memorized every verse in the Quran?

But does it even matter?  Because regardless of who’s right about the true tenets of Islam, millions of Muslims believe that killing innocent, unarmed civilians is their ticket to paradise.

How do I know?  Because most of the time, they announce it by shouting “Allahu akbar!” right before they slaughter everyone in sight.  Still, the American left and its lapdog media claim to have a hard time figuring out the motives behind such attacks.

Source: The Media, the NRA, and Islam

‘New California’ Could Become the Next West Virginia

“The new legislature and officials were quickly recognized by President Donald Trump, who, citing his authority under the Insurrection Act and Article IV section 4 of the United States Constitution, deemed them the official government of the state, and sent federal troops from the 101st Airborne Division to Fresno to ensure that what he called ‘leftovers’ of the ‘old, failed state government’ were unable to ’cause trouble.’ President Trump’s recognition was echoed in a joint resolution of the Republican-controlled Congress, which perhaps anticipated the addition of two new Republican senators.”

Source: ‘New California’ Could Become the Next West Virginia

Muslims Were America’s Top Mass Shooters in Last 2 Out of 3 Years

It is deeply disturbing to learn that two-thirds of the racist mass shootings in the past 5 years were carried out by murderers with ties to a racist hate group that had connections inside the White House, whose leader had met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus and whose man has the second top job at the DNC. When asked about his Farrakhan connections, Rep. Ellison attempted to deflect by urging the media to look at white nationalist gun violence. But black nationalist gun violence is just as important. And it is rarely discussed because its existence taints top Democrats like Obama and Ellison.

Source: Sultan Knish

Splitsylvania: State Secession and What to Do About It

This short piece looks at the growing phenomenon of intra-state secession movements. From California, where plans have been floated to split the state into two, five, or six pieces, to more traditional secessionist movements in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington, to plans to separate upstate New York and downstate Illinois from the large metropolitan areas that dominate state politics, various states are facing internal separatist movements. The paper looks at the sources of the dissatisfaction driving these movements, and suggests a number of solutions to address that dissatisfaction without amending the Constitution or adding stars to the flag.

A paper by Glenn Reynolds. Download the pdf file.

Animal’s Daily Involuntary Servitude News

There’s a word for involuntary servitude encoded in law, Mr. O’Rourke, and it ain’t a pretty one.

O’Rourke, who currently represents the 16th District of Texas, which includes El Paso, held a town hall in Corsicana on Thursday and shared his idea with those in attendance.

O’Rourke’s idea would require “every young person,” regardless of their socioeconomic background, to serve their country in some way whether that be in military service, a medical unit, a teaching unit etc.

The only time I would consider bringing back the draft, and that’s what this is, would be if the US of A were invaded. Otherwise this is just as bad as requiring high school students to complete ‘community service’ in order to graduate. Mandatory ‘community service’ is slavery and is outlawed under the 13th Amendment:

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Source: Animal Magnetism

Seems an awful lot of elected officials have no clue about the Constitution they are sworn to uphold. But we knew that.