Articles: The Blood Libels of the Left

Falsely accusing mainstream conservatives of being members of the far right is akin to saying the Jews drank the blood of Christian children. Blaming the Berkeley chaos on conservatives is like blaming the Jews for killing Jesus. Such blood libels do not end well for the victims, as charismatic rabble-rousers — whether in the Pale of Settlement or Berkeley, CA — rile up hysterical mobs that scapegoat their misery on the targeted group and ransack on demand.

Rights become malleable or irrelevant in such situations.

Source: Articles: The Blood Libels of the Left

Solved: Refugees Settled in Blue States  |  Ricochet

Surely, any cultural differences can be bridged by joint teach-ins. Celebrity liberals and refugees can learn about each other’s culture together. For example, in one lesson, refugees can learn that in southern California, women walking around in public wearing revealing clothing are just expressing their sexual liberty. Celebrity liberals, in turn, can learn that some Muslim men express their sexual liberty by sexually assaulting and robbing scantily clad women, who in the Muslim tradition are almost certainly prostitutes who deserve no mercy. Mutual understanding will no doubt result.

Source: Solved: Refugees Settled in Blue States  |  Ricochet

Betsy DeVos’s qualifications and Oakland’s Illegal Immigrants’ Fund

Progressive challenges to Betsy DeVos’s qualifications as Education Secretary, and Oakland, California’s priorities show what’s wrong with Progressives.

Frankly, if you tell me you are a teacher, my first assumption will be that you are dumber than dirt. I say that from experience with my stepson’s high school teachers.

Source: Betsy DeVos’s qualifications and Oakland’s Illegal Immigrants’ Fund

20 Prozi Questions to the Emperor, Part the Second. | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Also, if every year truly was the hottest year in recorded history, then where are the fucking vineyards that the Romans had in Britain?

And, finally, if CO2 levels and industrialization is to blame, then what, exactly, ended the last Ice Age? Mammoths riding V8s to school?

Oh, and let’s not go into the fact that the AGW cultist’s models can’t even predict past weather if you enter the data from the previous periods into them.

Source: 20 Prozi Questions to the Emperor, Part the Second. | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Ace of Spades HQ

It’s then that you realize that it’s not just the institutional left that yearns to place its boot on your neck, it’s your left-wing neighbors, friends, coworkers and even family. When you see attacks on regular citizens cheered and reinforced by people on Facebook, your worldview changes radically.

You can no longer believe that they don’t really understand what they’re voting for. It becomes clear that they do–they’re voting to turn you into a second class citizen, an “other” who is not due the same rights and courtesies as their exalted tribe of Right Thinkers.

Source: Ace of Spades HQ

Democrats Turn The Clock Back To 1860

Liberal anti-Trump inclinations towards violence are not unprecedented wrote Payne. Last year, for instance, an editor of Vox called for innocent peoples’ property to be destroyed in response to Trump’s campaign.

As I’ve always said, Democrats in particular, and liberals in general, are anti-Constitution traitors.

Source: Democrats Turn The Clock Back To 1860

Bayou Renaissance Man: Know your enemy, and be prepared

The sentiments expressed by the woman in that video are what’s driving much of the opposition to President Trump’s executive orders concerning refugees and immigration from seven selected countries. Many of the protests and riots are not directed against those executive orders. They’re directed against the system of government that produced them (and the executive orders of all President Trump’s predecessors, come to that). They’re directed against the constitutional republic that is the United States of America.

Source: Bayou Renaissance Man: Know your enemy, and be prepared

Bookworm Beat 1/30/17 — the “whole new world” political posters collection

Donald Trump is a shot of adrenaline to the American political system. His changes and the Leftist breakdown make for some fine political posters.

Source: Bookworm Beat 1/30/17 — the “whole new world” political posters collection