Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

The Covington confrontation points to an ironclad historical pattern. Every previous genocide in modern times was preceded by a similar pattern of public demonization of state-designated scapegoats. But is correlation causation? Does the American Left intend to eventually commit genocide against white heritage American males? In my opinion, yes. Scapegoating is part of a clear pattern of conduct seen during every socialist power grab from the French Revolution until now. In the case of German national socialists, European Jews were the scapegoats of the Nazis during their climb to power. In the case of international socialists, AKA Communists, class enemies were usually but not always the designated scapegoats. Examples of class enemies would include the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, “landlords” in China, and “intellectuals” in Cambodia. But in other cases ethnic groups were targeted as scapegoats by Communists, to include the Ukrainians, Crimeans, Latvians and others.

So, are today’s Democrats already planning to load their white heritage American enemies into boxcars for trips to a new Gulag? Probably not many at this time, but Barack Obama’s political mentor Bill Ayers certainly considered it. Ayers believed that so many Americans would bitterly resist Communism that 25 million would have to be “eliminated.”

Invest in precious metals like lead, copper, and brass. Might also want to stock up on food and other necessities.

Source: Bracken: Covington Gives a Glimpse of Civil War Two

The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is A Target

We cannot dismiss the campaign to legalize pedophilia as fringy stuff that will get nowhere. It’s real and it’s here and it’s gaining strength.

Media outlets spread the idea. For example, “Good Morning America” recently celebrated an 11-year-old drag queen who danced suggestively on the show and does the same at adult night clubs. The studio audience looked groomed to be a picture of Middle America. They cheered his gyrations on cue, and approvingly.

Brought to you by the Democrat Party and the letters L, B, G, T, Q, and P.

Source: The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is A Target

A theory behind why government is sexualizing children – Bookworm Room

Governments are enthusiastically weaponizing the Leftist trend of sexualizing children, because doing so dramatically increases government power.

What’s terrifying about the child transgender movement is that it’s moved beyond the moral degenerates of the entertainment and media worlds. We’ve now reached the point at which governments are rapidly internalizing it and using it to sever the parent-child bond. Last year in Ohio, parents actually lost custody for not being sufficiently supportive of their daughter’s claimed transgenderism. Currently, in Texas, a father is being told that, if he doesn’t get with his ex-wife’s program of insisting that their six-year-old son wants to be a girl, he will lose any access to his son.

Source: A theory behind why government is sexualizing children – Bookworm Room

Islamophilia: A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth

All other world religions make some significant peace claims, but Islam fails to do so. Failure to acknowledge this historical reality means that the Islamophile’s defensive response in support of Islam is not only disproportionate, but is deviant and disordered. Its main goal is to harass the Christians and to disabuse the West of the idea that its Christian and Jewish foundation is valid. Experiencing Christianity as a form of cultural abuse, they wish, in turn, to abuse Christians. Islam is intended as the instrument of that abuse by the non-Islamic Islamophiles.

Islam is NOT a religion. It is a totalitarian political system:

Religions don’t do that.

Source: Islamophilia: A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth

Susan B. Anthony List President: ‘Safe, Legal and Rare – That Old

Susan B. Anthony List President Majorie Dannenfelser said Thursday:

“Every single Democrat in the Senate had the chance that day to take a stand against infanticide, against murder. All but three of them refused. The inhumanity of the modern Democratic Party’s position on abortion has not been exposed. We should be grateful for that. Safe, legal, and rare – that old Clinton way of looking at it is just a distant memory. Safe, legal and rare is not their mantra,” she added. It

Indeed Bill Clinton did say ‘safe, legal, and rare’ on his campaign. But one of his first acts as President was to break that promise. He lifted restrictions on abortion in military hospitals.

This is not making it ‘rare’ and Majorie Dannenfelser should have known this. It was just another Democrat lie. Democrats are Deathocrats.

Source: Susan B. Anthony List President: ‘Safe, Legal and Rare – That Old

#MuhPrivateBusinessDecisions and Government-Supported Corporatist Censorship

Well, then: shared commerce and finance keeps America knitted together in peace too, right?

But what happens when major corporations, especially those involved in finance and the free exchange of ideas in order to further the aims of participatory democracy, decide they’re going to effectively exile half the country out of the normal systems of the country?

What happens when half of America won’t buy bread from the other half of America, and half of America won’t issue a mortgage to half of America based on their failing a Political Test and Corporate Loyalty Oath?

What happens to the idea that peoples that trade together can’t go to war with each other then?

Invest in precious metals like lead, brass, and copper.

Source: #MuhPrivateBusinessDecisions and Government-Supported Corporatist Censorship

‘Gender,’ Envy and Self-Pity

Ace of Spades summarizes a not-so-surprising discovery: [F]emale-to-male transgenders are discovering that “Male Privilege” actually doesn’t exist, and that the actual privilege belongs to women.

Source: ‘Gender,’ Envy and Self-Pity

Read the whole post. It is good. I do want to follow a digression in the article and ‘ditto’ this digression:

Incidentally, here’s something about me: I don’t watch YouTube videos. If you want to tell me something, write it. For any literate person, reading is far more efficient than listening to the spoken word. I am an extremely fast reader, and could fully comprehend the transcript of an entire 15-minute video in less than two minutes, and why should I waste that additional time? This is why I’m sometimes confounded by the fame, such as it is, of YouTube “celebrities.” There are people out there who have hundreds of thousands of YouTube subscribers and rate as “celebrities” within whatever niche of fandom they appeal to, and I’ve never heard of them, because I don’t watch YouTube videos. And when I see someone like Carl Benjamin (a/k/a, Sargon of Akkad) making a really good point in a YouTube video, I am tempted to yell at my computer: “WHERE’S THE F–KING TRANSCRIPT?” Like, you couldn’t even be bothered to write up your argument as a blog post? If you believe what you’re saying on your YouTube channel is important, wouldn’t it reach a wider audience and have more impact if you took time to publish a transcript, or at least a synopsis of your argument? But I digress . . .

Amen. I don’t watch YouTube videos either, with one exception: Learning a new skill or craft. I’ve been learning guitar off of YouTube videos. Also honing my woodworking skills with videos. That’s it. I can learn in several ways but some things you just have to be shown how to do. Opinions, history, philosophy, legislation, news… I want to READ it! I read and comprehend quickly. I was reading college level in fourth grade. (Doesn’t mean I understood it all, of course.)

The problem here is education, or the lack thereof, of the English language today. Most YouTubers probably can’t write a proper sentence. (or write it in cursive.) Those old ‘diagram a sentence’ exercises I had throughout school are probably not taught anymore. As for writing in cursive:

Some argue that cursive is no longer relevant because it isn’t included in the Common Core State Standards. But these standards only include those skills that are testable and measurable in the classroom; they don’t address basic foundation skills, like handwriting or even spelling. That said, the Common Core emphasizes the importance of expository writing to demonstrate understanding of key concepts, and fast, legible handwriting is the technology universally available to students to facilitate content development. Cursive, therefore, is vital to helping students master the standards of written expression and critical thinking, life skills that go well beyond the classroom.

Add in the fact that Johnny can’t read:

In 2015, said APR writer Emily Hanford, only 56 percent of Bethlehem students were proficient in reading, so Kim Harper was charged with finding out why.

The problem?

The teachers were talking about how students should attack words in a story. When a child came to a word she didn’t know, the teacher would tell her to look at the picture and guess.

Word-guessing. The teachers apparently had no idea how to teach reading. They thought if they could just throw words at the students, they would figure it out. They all had education degrees but none of them had ever been taught how to teach children to read.

Reading and writing go together. If you can’t do either you end up on YouTube talking way too much instead of writing down your arguments in clear, concise, logical paragraphs.

Like Robert Stacey McCain says in the article, I digress. But I thought I was the only one annoyed by this reliance on videos and just had to rant.

De Blasio on Amazon HQ: Must ‘Hold Their Feet to the Fire’ on Progressive Values

“We want to see jobs for public housing residents, we want to see unionized employees in the distribution centers, and we’re going to fight for that.”

Progressive values? Examples:

• Negative right to life.

• Negative right to free speech.

• Negative right to freedom of religion.

• Negative right to freedom of association.

• Negative right to keep and bear arms.

Progressive values are negative values.

Source: De Blasio on Amazon HQ: Must ‘Hold Their Feet to the Fire’ on Progressive Values

The Radical End

When you start to tabulate the radical agenda and the ad hoc activity of the Left, the most obvious conclusion is there is little coordination. The people at the top have lost control of the monster they created. They dream of creating a coalition of non-whiles, over which they will preside, so they can control the empire. The trouble is their coalition is always reminding the other side that such an arrangement will be a catastrophe. Again, the Left is mostly just radicalizing white people now.

“Again, the Left is mostly just radicalizing white people now.”


Source: The Radical End

Western IQ scores are falling. Is it computers or something else? – Bookworm Room

And then there are the Muslims who are immigrating in ever greater numbers throughout the Western world. Another unspeakable fact in the modern era is that Muslims have low IQs. This is where I take a dive, not into race, because Islam is a religion, not a race, but into the lifestyle habits that many Muslims practice. These habits do affect intelligence. Change the habits, change the intelligence. …

Finally, and here’s where we get to a big problem no one wants to speak about, is that Muslim culture all over the world encourages first-cousin marriages. On average 50% of Muslims engage in first-cousin marriage with that number going up to 70% in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. (It’s a tribal thing because the people you can trust most are family.) It’s long been known that this kind of second-degree incest dramatically increases genetic defects, many of which affect intelligence.

Just the fact that you follow this faux ‘religion’ shows you’re an idiot.

Source: Western IQ scores are falling. Is it computers or something else? – Bookworm Room