More of that Famous Leftist ProgNazi Tolerance on Display | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

So, in that sense, the Brownshirts in their dying spasms, might actually have done the nation a favor. They’re not only making Trump voters feel really, really good about their choice, they’re making ever more sure that they and their fascist, violent hordes won’t ever get within two time zones of the levers of power again. At least not for the foreseeable future.

Source: More of that Famous Leftist ProgNazi Tolerance on Display | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

John Hawkins – 7 Things Liberals Should Learn From This Election But Won’t

Barack Obama was the most radical President in American history. During his tenure in office, gay marriage was forced on an unwilling country. As a follow-up, Christians who refused to cater gay weddings were persecuted by the government while liberals insisted that mentally ill men should be able to use the bathroom with women and little girls.

Source: John Hawkins – 7 Things Liberals Should Learn From This Election But Won’t

Donald Trump Didn’t Just Win; He Won With Unprecedented Efficiency | | Observer

Interestingly, the same writer who credited Trump with efficient spending later snarked it up with a headline that supposedly captured the amateurism of the Trump campaign. In the October 25 Washington Post, Philip Bump wrote a story titled “Donald Trump’s campaign has spent more on hats than on polling.” The idea was clearly to mock the candidate for the frivolity of his ubiquitous “Make America Great Again” baseball caps, whose production was starving the poor pollsters. Given how badly the public pollsters performed in forecasting this election, one could easily conclude that Trump’s only mistake is he should have made more hats.

Source: Donald Trump Didn’t Just Win; He Won With Unprecedented Efficiency | | Observer