The unintentionally funny anguish of a distraught feminist Hillary voter

It was clearly unintended when a young feminist’s anguished existential howl about Hillary’s loss reduced me to helpless laughter.

I found that feminist’s problem: Ivy League.

“I have always been both a strong woman and a good girl. I got straight A’s. I was class president. I went to an Ivy League school and even gave the commencement address, just like Hillary.”


Source: The unintentionally funny anguish of a distraught feminist Hillary voter

OSU Student Leaks Unbelievable Thing Military Classmates Did During Attack

Ali is a legal permanent U.S. resident who fled Somalia and entered the country as an approved asylum seeker. Somalia is ranked as one of the world’s most dangerous countries, coming in just after Syria, South Sudan, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The Sharia nation also boasts a 99.8-percent Muslim population, which accounts for the country’s many deadly terrorist attacks, political oppression, and barbaric religious practices.

Emphasis added. This is Obama’s fault.

Source: OSU Student Leaks Unbelievable Thing Military Classmates Did During Attack

Progressives have mounted a dangerous attack on American democracy

The EC was intended to serve two purposes: (1) To remove mobs from directly electing the president (and we can see with Progressives how out of control and damn stupid mobs can be); and (2) to ensure that more populous states do not entirely remove the less populous states from the election process.

Source: Progressives have mounted a dangerous attack on American democracy

NY Times Is Rather Vexed By Trump’s Tweet On Flag Burning | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News

This is what you call an “opinion.” Since it’s coming from the soon to be POTUS, it obviously holds a bit more weight, by (sic), it’s an opinion. I personally disagree with it, holding the opinion that you should be allowed to burn the flag, and, if so, someone should be allowed to punch you in the face once without facing assault charges.

Source: NY Times Is Rather Vexed By Trump’s Tweet On Flag Burning | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News

Articles: Islam’s Celestial Women: Muslim Men Die for Them, Muslim Women Envy Them

The histories of the conquest of Mesopotamia and Syria are in fact full of anecdotes of Muslims throwing themselves into the fray and rushing to death’s embrace because they believed that doing so would rush them to the warm embraces of the heavenly sex slaves.

Being the immature, emotionally-stunted males that they are, (much like the American campus crybullies), they can’t handle a living, breathing, thinking woman.

Source: Articles: Islam’s Celestial Women: Muslim Men Die for Them, Muslim Women Envy Them

Uniquely Talented: Only the Democrats Could Have Lost to Trump | Fred On Everything

This is why Trump took them by such surprise. They were dealing with a country they had never seen. And didn’t like. Lord only knows what kind of President Trump will make (unless God also is wondering, which I find plausible) but he had the country figured out. Which is positively weird, given that he is a filthy rich New Yorker.

Source: Uniquely Talented: Only the Democrats Could Have Lost to Trump | Fred On Everything