Charlie Kirk: “Defund the Police” is a Trojan Horse. | Human Events

We hear you. That is why today, we are sponsoring legislation that will establish a national police force. This new force will take the place of smaller, ineffective, and poorly trained state and local forces around the country. Every person in every city and state will get the same high-quality, uniform service. All officers will be thoroughly trained in diversity, inclusion, and critical race theory. No longer will you have to fear chaos in your neighborhood. No longer will you have to fear those who are paid to protect you.

With that, they will have accomplished their true objective. They’ll have the ability to direct a Gestapo-style law enforcement arm to help them fulfill their quest for complete and total control over every substantive act of American daily life. This is what they are hiding from you when they say, “defund the police.”

Utterly unConstitutional. What could possibly go wrong?

Source: Charlie Kirk: “Defund the Police” is a Trojan Horse. | Human Events

America’s Greatest Problem: We’ve been off the farm too long

In the year 1790, 90% of the American population were farmers.  By 1850, this percentage had dropped to 64%, and then down to only 21% by the year 1930.  Today, only 2% of the American population serve as farmers.

And though American agriculture is more productive than ever, I’m afraid that as a nation we are beginning to witness the consequences of having raised multiple generations who have never looped a metal chain through a gate or chased lightning bugs through a field of freshly mowed hay.

As a nation, we have allowed Disney to convince our children that all animals are cute and cuddly, then wonder why dozens of people get killed each year attempting to take selfies with grizzly bears, cougars and copperheads.

As a nation, we have replaced the garden hoe and watering bucket with an Xbox and cell phone, then wonder why our “children” refuse to move out at the age of 30.

I spent my teen years in the country. We rented the farmhouse and a big corporation tilled the fields, but I had run of the 45 acres, run of the huge old barn built with huge pegged timbers and siding nailed on with handmade square nails. It was old and sturdy. The house had been built by our landlord’s father in the 1890s. Yes, he was an old man. The house had a porch that wrapped two sides and a summer kitchen off the back. We raised chickens and did a fairly large garden. I’ve missed that ever since. I could walk in the woods, sit out at night and stargaze in a pretty dark sky, go camping in the five acres of woods across the plowed field. It was a three-mile bike ride into town or you could ‘walk the tracks.’

I think a lot of the nonsense being promulgated by the ‘left’ would fall on deaf ears if children had that kind of youthful experience. They would have more experience grounded in reality instead of their cellphones and ‘social media.’

Source: America’s Greatest Problem: We’ve been off the farm too long

May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead |

Every May 1st for the last several years, Ilya Somin has written an editorial for the Washington Post declaring the “May Day” so beloved by the Left to be renamed “Victims of Communism Day.” I concur, and so, while socialists blissfully celebrate their worker’s paradise this May Day, indifferent to the human cost of their political philosophy, I propose that well-meaning people consider watching a film on the subject, both out of respect for those lost and to be intellectually armed against the ignorance of those still in denial. Here are some recommendations.

Remind yourself and others of what the Democrats have in store for you. They may call it the ‘green new deal,’ or ‘critical race theory,’ or ‘climate change,’ but it’s the same old Communism espoused by Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, etc. They are on record as wanting you dead if you don’t submit.

Source: May 1: Victims of Communism Day | Ten Films to Honor the Dead |

the end of the road

So, as the days get longer, and the sun comes out of it’s winter hibernation, take a ride down a country road and see the vacant houses, the barns falling down, the rows upon rows of corn and soy.

But, when you see that veggie stand on the side of the road, stop and buy something. Buy everything you can afford to locally.

Your dollar will have a greater impact when you buy anything directly from a local producer than switching to an organic item at a chain supermarket. Truly.

More and more farmers are finally starting to see the writing on the wall, and they’re trying to save themselves. They are returning to growing food instead of commodities, and more importantly they are marketing that food directly to customers, instead of selling it for pennies on the dollar to multinational packing and processing corporations.

Farmers are fiercely independent, and they are indoctrinated with the “pull-yourself-up by your bootstraps” mentality, but they can only partially save themselves. The consumer has to help save them.

Instead of Costco, spend your money at the farmer’s market. Or a buying club, or a co-op, or any farm. Buy your food direct from the farm as often as possible.

Source: the end of the road

Covid Vaccine Nonsense

Under EUA status, the government is not permitted to require Covid-19 vaccinations because the vaccines are not FDA-approved and recipients are clinical trial participants. This is why states cannot legally require vaccination, despite suggestions by some legislators to do just that.

Indeed, the US military is barred from mandating the vaccines. This ban on government vaccine mandates explains why some private companies are trying to require vaccination of employees, which makes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance on this issue potentially relevant.


Source: Covid Vaccine Nonsense

Gypsy weddings and America’s fundamental rejection of racism – Bookworm Room

She was rather shocked when I told her that racism has been intrinsic in all societies since the dawn of time. It is a way to keep valued traditions alive and to keep the tribe viable. Early tribal societies were miserable, with incredibly high attrition rates from disease, accidents, and war. The only way to keep the tribe members intact, lest they think the grass was greener where the other tribe lived, was to convince them that the other tribe was inferior down to the bone.

It’s only in America that we are organized around values, rather than race. That doesn’t mean we haven’t had racism and racists. (Duh! It’s our early experiment with racism that planted the seed that Marxists have nurtured into the poisonous fruit destroying us now.) It does mean, though, that as racism mercifully mostly disappeared and racists became the marginalized people (until Obama and BLM came along), America had another unifying principle to hang onto: The Constitution and our belief in the good things that flow from adherence to that doctrine.

The Black Lives Matter movement, with its obsession with race and its hatred for the Constitution, is leeching from America the only thing that made us American. Unless we stop these racial obsessions and the drift to racial tribalism, America as a nation will cease to exist.

Source: Gypsy weddings and America’s fundamental rejection of racism – Bookworm Room

Video: A Death in Omaha

“How often have you heard liberal advocates of gun control speak about the need to “get guns off our streets”? Well, how do they suppose this is going to happen? Whose job will it be to apprehend criminals and confiscate their weapons? Cops, that’s who. And what will happen when, predictably, criminals don’t cooperate with the program? …
“Kenneth Jones could not be reached for comment.”

Nothing Can Placate the BLM Riot Mob, and ‘Journalists’ Are Part of the Mob

“Just so everybody is clear, I was front and center at the protest, at the riot,” Brooklyn, Minnesota, Police Chief Tim Gannon told reporters during a press conference Monday. His response came to a question from reporters about why he authorized the use of gas canisters following the issuance of a dispersal order.

In the video tweeted by the Washington Examiner Monday, one reporter exclaims, “There was no riot.” Another shouts “Don’t do that!” Multiple other reporters joined in with those objecting to the word “riot.”

I’m old enough to remember when the news was disseminated by people called news reporters. As you might expect, they reported on what actually happened. As Sgt. Friday would say, ‘just the facts.’

Nowadays instead of news reporters we have this social construct called a ‘journalist.’ A ‘journalist’ tells a story. Stories are fiction. Reality is called ‘news’ and ‘history.’ If reality goes against the storyline a ‘journalist’ will follow the storyline and lie to your face, as we see here.

This is why the media are called ‘fake news.’

Source: Nothing Can Placate the BLM Riot Mob, and ‘Journalists’ Are Part of the Mob

Another Tripwire Crossed – Pentagon Orders Updated Screening of Military to Identify “Extremist” Outlooks in Preparation for What is to Come… – The Last Refuge

Let me be clear…. I fully expect to see the standing U.S. military deployed against any state who stands up against unconstitutional federal demands.

The increased frequency of the military being politicized is what leads me to believe this phase is all just a public relations pre-positioning. I fully expect to see the standing U.S. military deployed against any state who stands up against unconstitutional federal demands… the likely origination point will be federal COVID mandates.

The leftists are weaponizing COVID mandates for a political agenda. It is only a matter of time before states start to rebel against federal COVID demands. That, in my opinion, will be the inflection point. That will be when the U.S. military is held as a compliance activation against any rebellious state. It could be another issue that activates this triggering of the military (ex. state election laws), but as it stands right now federal COVID compliance seems the most likely trigger.

Bottom line… The American electorate are being positioned to accept deployment of the U.S. military against U.S. citizens, under the guise of insurrection and/or a public threat. That is why we are seeing so much willful politicization of the military.

The Democrats are planning for war against the citizens of the United States. They are aiding and abetting the hostile invasion of this country by illegal aliens marching on our southern border. They are shredding Constitutional protections in the name of a fake flu pandemic. They are the bought and paid for minions of Communist China. Collusion is too weak a word for this. The word is treason.

Source: Another Tripwire Crossed – Pentagon Orders Updated Screening of Military to Identify “Extremist” Outlooks in Preparation for What is to Come… – The Last Refuge