Men Supporting Hillary Clinton Have Lower Testosterone | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |

“Most are not aware of the effect low T can have on your mental state. For instance your ability to focus and think clearly,” Morris says in the radio ads. “As a community service, for any guys out there that are thinking of voting for Hillary, I want to offer you a free testosterone test. Let’s see if we can help.”


Source: Men Supporting Hillary Clinton Have Lower Testosterone | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |


The Bookworm Beat 10/23/16 – the culture war edition and open thread – Bookworm Room

Please understand that what happened to Street Cakes wasn’t about lesbians getting their wedding cake. If those lesbians wanted a cake in Oregon, they could have enriched God-alone-knows how many different bakeries. Instead, this was about destroying Christians’ right to withdraw voluntarily from a competitive marketplace in order to protect their religious sensibilities.

Source: The Bookworm Beat 10/23/16 – the culture war edition and open thread – Bookworm Room

Unsocial Media | The Z Blog

I think what we are seeing is two things. One is the Progressive enforcers have squandered their legitimacy enforcing rules that are unenforceable. People get tired of being treated like children by depressed women taking revenge on the world as forum moderators. So, there is demand. There’s also the fact that people trafficking in the ideas popular on the fringe want to debate with others into the same things. There’s nothing more dull than reading a comment section filled with mainstream drivel.

Source: Unsocial Media | The Z Blog

Bayou Renaissance Man: Cities, what they do to people, and the 2016 elections

I’ve personally encountered young people who’ve never made the connection between the piece of meat they’ve just bought, and a living, breathing creature that was slaughtered to provide it. In one case, the person concerned burst into tears at the thought that an animal had died to provide her meal – and this was a woman who’d be considered educated, with a university degree. In contrast, rural dwellers see their food being produced all around them, and understand it as a basic, fundamental act of life to do so.

Source: Bayou Renaissance Man: Cities, what they do to people, and the 2016 elections

Articles: A Blizzard of Snowflakes

If you’re like me, you’re probably puzzled by this childish display and horrified to think that these people are allowed to vote. But the last line in the above quote might be the true reason for this “Recess” — that is, it’s to drum up business for the counseling infrastructure that is growing like topsy at colleges and universities across the nation.

Source: Articles: A Blizzard of Snowflakes